Hi, I'm Vikkifennec (my name here is the same as my IMVU name). A few of my furry friends decided to make an IMVU swim team, called the 'IMVU Intimidators'. It's pretty cool - we have about ten members after only about 24 hours of work. We have a team suit, a few pools, an internet forum, and a whole lot of promise. What do we do? Well, we basically hang out going from pool to pool, doing RP's, holding 'practices', making profiles, getting others to join, etc. It's really fun, believe it or not.
We're looking for more members here too. If you're a girl and would like to join us, go ahead and let me know!
Here's a link to our forums (if you need help registering, look to the top of the forum page for the button 'register'):
***Contact Vikki for a link to the forum if you're interested.***{swim team member}~Ephemral~And here's what the suit looks like (there's a link to buy it in the forums. And if you honestly cannot afford the suit, we have a sponsor program and can most likely get you te suit free of charge):
(it's me, btw)
Hope to see you out there!