My perfect world... hmm, haven't thought about this question actually.
I'd think my perfect world would look like a paradise with nice clean and perfect glass buildings towering around but only in a small space, this small space is surrounded by beautiful trees and natural jungles with snow capped mountains (that snow a lot) in the horizon. The nature would have no stinging or biting things, no thorny or sharp branches just look nice, the nature would be surrounded by birds and foxes and dogs and friendly lions and tigers (lots of friendly lions and tigers) that roam and will come up to you and play with you. The city would be very clean and nice and wouldn't be too populated, there would be a very nice environment with no litter or bad smells, the roads would be very smooth and the buildings would be very nice and structurely aesthetic.
There would be perfect internet connection without even light lag, you could move through your computer or some other means to interact in real time with anybody around the world. People in real life would act very open and very trusting and nice, you would be free to say whatever you want and there would be no insults, condescension or anything. Discrimination and inequality would be out of the question, the society would have a constant view and aspiration towards science and the scientific understanding of the world. There would be no corruption in big businesses and every business would run under the model "What's best for the customer". Science and knowledge would be so greatly cherished but would still leave lots of uncertainties that needed to be explored. Knowledge would never ends, your ability to gain knowledge and the amount of knowledge that was there is endless.
Lastly, currency and problems are not visible, everyone is treated equally and they are treated well (a bit of a communist element to it but eh
). Every one would stop aging at 25 and they could "start" and "stop" aging at their pleasure, if people wanted to they could die. People could have babies but there would be no overpopulation because the world would be forever expanding, with new and different environments to always be explored.
That would be my perfect world