I've honestly always thought the argument between Star Trek and Wars is silly. They're two different things all together and arguing which is better, is like arguing between custard pie and tacos. They're both food but it all comes down to preference.
Star Wars is a saga. The storyline is short, the universe (this time quite literally) is well done, but small for a sci-fi. The characters are strong but a little generic at times, which is to be expected from an epic saga. Especially back when they were all created, the story needed some iconic figures to fit with the times. They have one basic storyline that branches off between characters and happenings, and many major and important plot turns and twists.
Star Trek is an ongoing story (with the negatives and positives that come with it). Their universe is vast, amazingly detailed and has so much "extra content", from thousands of different ship classes, to hundreds of races' traditions and culture. So many iconic characters over years of moves and TV series. The stories might be tame and unoriginal at times, and the actors not always good, but you can't expect perfect episodes constantly when they're being mass produced.
If I had the time, I could go on about how they are both good, but on different levels. One is a saga, the other is a series. It all comes down to your preference. One is not better than the other, in my opinion.