Too often I know people who are not into web series, but these are really quite amazing. Some of these web shows are better than most cartoons!
So here is a place where you can post your favourite web series! Here are some of mine
Doraleous and associates:This show is probably the funniest of all the web series's, it's full of interesting twists, awesome character development and hilarious jokes. Watch the first episode and a garuntee you will be hocked! web series full of 26 episodes (not finished yet but is currently on a break) can be found here: Lane:This web series centers around a neighbourhood in a post apocalyptic world and the hilarious antics they get up to, the web series is slow to start but as it gets going the jokes get very hilarious, the story gets extremely intense and there is a bunch of unbelievable twists. Trust me, you will never, ever, ever be able to predict where this show goes!
The Entire web series, with 48 episodes and is in fact concluded, can be found here Combat:This is a web series that, in a sense, is just a massive killing spree. However, that said, it does have a vibrant story that is quite abstract, the story is never told with words and what is happening is often left to interpretation, but it is quite entertaining indeed!
The entire series can be found here: web series that was inspired by madness combat which is also a massive killing spree. There is a very little story in this web series but the animation is much better. I can't link you to this web series as it now officially costs money. The web series is about a zombie apocalypse and follows a small girl left to die who befriends an intelligent zombie, they both work together and meet interesting characters to find the little girls home. Not funny, just awesome. (There are 10 episodes including some two part ones, you might be able to find them on youtube)
Post any web series's you know about please!