I'm Alexis and my friend told me about furries and said I might fit in (I meow a lot in real life and sleep a lot and kind of act like a cat, I guess
), so I googled furry forums and here I am lol
But on the other hand I'm 13, and I kind of got the impression that furries were kind of an adult-only thing so I guess if I'm not allowed here, then I'd rather find out now than find out later on heh...
Also I looked around a tiny bit but couldn't find any, is there a kind of furry guide somewhere that kind of explains everything there is to know about it? If not it's ok, I can research on my own too, I just figured if it's already written somewhere then I could just read that
And also, if anyone wants to chat with me on AIM or yahoo instant messenger my name is alexisfluffycat on there too
or I saw there's a chat room here too but I'm not really good at chatting in chat rooms, I don't like butting in on peoples conversations lol...
Anyways I'm rambling so I'll stop now
thanks and nice to meet you all!