We are the machine, the machine that preserves itself in something infinitely and greater, the universe and all beyond it. We stretch off life and see what we have to see, but what we see is so small to what is actually out there. So we wanted to see more and we became a machine, a machine to seek more, find more, get more and we did. We lived off the universe like a leech, we combined what we knew into things we didn't know. Creating a superposition of two known definite variables of the physical universe, then implementing that new superposition to a third variable creating a new superposition. Implementing our current superposition to the new superposition creating even more disturbance and influx. Granting us millions of possibilities, infinite possibilities, infinite and anything in between infinity, all and more.
We are the machine that continues building from this infinity to seek more and seek the unknowable, grasp what cannot be grasped. We have seen the rims of the universe, it expands faster than we can imagine, but we know how much it expands. We have seen so little, but so much more than we have thought. We know what a small cluster of dust is doing on the other side of the vast sea of time and space that the universe is. We are now constrained by time, time is the constraint for us to realize that the universe is only as big as how old it is. It could be larger, but we will not know as the light takes too long to get to us, longer than the universes existence. So we're stuck? No, we build on this infinity, greater than infinity, we can break the laws, break the universe, what is seemingly impossible, is possible approached an infinite way.