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Author Topic: Dreams!  (Read 1036 times)

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Offline Rhoryc

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« on: May 03, 2013, 07:10:34 PM »
Everyone has them! I didn't see any thread about them here, so I decided to make one ^_^
Have any funny, strange, or interesting dreams that you want to share? Post 'em here! Just keep it appropraite ;)


I'll start with a weird/funny one I had when I was younger:

Well the dream started out with me walking around a cul de sac set in the 1950's. If you've played Fallout 3, think Tranquility Lane. Anyway, I was walking down the street bouncing like an old cartoon character with happy music and everything. I would stop and wave at the random residents that were going about their business. Mowing lawns, watering flowers, that sort of thing.
All of a sudden I look toward one of the houses to see an American bison munching on some grass whilst wearing a party hat. I walk over to the bison and say "Hi Mr. ____!" (I don't remember the name) The bison looks up and me and starts speaking in a gruff, yet friendly tone. "Oh hello there sonny! How are you this fine day?"

And that's where the dream ended.


Your turn! :D
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 07:12:36 PM by Rhoryc »

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Re: Dreams!
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2013, 03:18:41 AM »
I remember a dream I used to have when I was young;

In the neighborhood stood an old wooden house, three stories tall. I was so rickety and moldy looking it was a wonder it still stood at all.
It loomed over the rest of the neighborhood, a terrifying death trap waiting to crumble on someones respected and humble home.
So why wasn't it pulled down long ago? no one would dare; for the wrath of the horrific Pigman! *lightning crashes*
He was basically a grotesque old man, dirty and smelly with a temper just as vile. Everyone hated him, but tolerated his existence as they were afraid. Afraid that if provoked, he would eat their children! *more lightning crashes*

many a tale had been told of children gone missing, only for piles of bones to be seen through the dirtied windows of the Pigman's abode. Never left the house, never seen; Only ever heard snorting and squealing like a giant pig.

so yeah, that's the story I had to deal with every time I was told to bring him food, which I did.
I don't know why my brain subjected me to this mental torture.
Just a tad scary...
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Re: Dreams!
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2013, 05:02:04 AM »
Once I had this  strange dream : I was walking in the small forest near my house.
Suddenly a passenger in medieval clothings appeared and said to me 'you shall not pass.A big group of big toads are waiting at the end of the path.'
But I don' t care and so I walked at the end of the path. But I haven't Seen any Monster toads but a little pug barking 'respawn'.
The pug has got a big, head with tiny eyes and a small body. I pi cked the strange dog up and went back.

I don' t know what's happened at next...
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