So just recently I commissioned my first badge ever,
in hopes of attending my first furmeet with my friend(s) sometime in the future. I have asked a few friends of the types of things I need to do to convert it from its digital form into a proper tangible badge form.
Correct me when I am wrong, or if you have better advice, but I know so far: That my IRL friend, Tarrenger, has offered to print my badge for me using his 5-color printer, that or I go to FedEx or Staples or whatever to print it there. I know after it is printed, I cut it out clean with scissors? I then have FedEx or whatever laminate it for me? Where can I get a clip thing for it?
I'm totally new to badges, completely; I haven't the slightest idea about anything. I'm going to have my friend print it for me once he gets colored ink, then go to FedEx to have it laminated. Though I was also told about Office Depot/Max and Staples printing it on 60lbs. cardstock and whatnot... Should I let my friend print it for me or get professional help (lol)?
I have posted this on another forum prior, but I'm putting it here as well because I always like getting mixed opinions so I can see which ones are said the most.
I appreciate any help.