Yes.Had an old thread, but all links were dead pretty much.Started a new one with mostly new art.S'all in spoilers to make this thread pretty.Briar the homicidal sharktoon. Fun stuff, amirite?A dragon character of mine by the name of "Elias"A request for someone on FA.Second verse, same as the first, but a different friend.And a bird.Of all of these, only the top image is technically "recent", having been drawn within the past week. The rest are from howevermany months back. Sorry for the mostly bad quality, but I want to post more on the forum again.Feel free to critique, I'll post more pictures tomorrow maybe.Reason for edit:
The spoilers hit the text instead of the images.
Post Merge: December 07, 2012, 09:58:30 PM
Here are some head sketches I did earlier today.
Enjoy the crappy image quality.