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Author Topic: "To This Day" A spoken word Poem by Shane Koyczan - Inspirational Video  (Read 1524 times)

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For those who have suffered the toils of bullying, of being told you can't and you won't, this video will serve to empathize with your plight. To those of you who pick on and abuse other people for whatever reason, this video will serve to show you your error. To those of you who stood back and watched, said nothing and allowed your fear to freeze you, this will serve to show what you allowed to occur.

No matter who you are, this video will speak to you. It will make you feel your heart freeze or your eyes ripple, it will be a herald of the truth, and it will bring light to otherwise bleak shadows. It is touching and beautifully done, further strengthened by the music and the images, it's not perfect, but nothing can ever be. The imperfections you may see are what make this poem, this video, so real and so touching.

To This Day Project - Shane Koyczan


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