Hello my friends, its been ages since i logged on this website since i last created....... Been so busy that i have not had time to check out and get updated on the sites i am a member on which its alot LOL.
Just to quickly go over myself again i am your very friendly and caring meerkat called Sly
(Meekie is my short word for meerkats just so yas know) I do love making friends and always enjoy a good laugh and stuff.
I come from London, England and if there is anyone else on this site thats from here too thats awesome, also the ones that are not here, they are awesome too of course hehe or should i say pawsome
Look forward to hearing from you all and if you have any questions for me feel free to ask and i will reply as soon as i can, i should be on here for a while just checking up on things and editing my profile so yea, peace my fellow furs