Guess I should introduce myself to those who don't know much about me. I've also been kinda gone for three years, there's pretty much a whole new audience here. I joined the forums in late 2008, got banned in mid 2010, and came back in late 2012, but didn't stay for long because so many friends had either gone elsewhere or stopped viewing the stuff that isn't in the 'adult' area... I then made my final return a few months ago, and tried my best to enjoy being here again. :c
Off the topic of Furry Forums, my name's Austin Faust, I was born on July 16, 1993, and live in Redondo Beach, California.
I'm a pretty tolerant person, and advocate the rights and freedoms of every Human being no matter who they are, what they do, or what they look like. Unless they're criminals... I like to play video games, browse the Internet, and role-play a lot. I wanna be an artist so I can put my ~26 RP characters and other original things on paper, but I don't wanna complain about the way that's been going any more than I already have. :s
My persona, DeNihil, is an Android from the Deus Ex Universe, built by Sarif Industries and funded secretly by the Illuminati, then upgraded with advanced technology (Including shapeshifting technology) by the Subjugators. The Subjugators are an original RP faction of mine. I'm a firm TransHumanist, so it'd make sense my persona would be an Android built by one of the leaders of the science of Human Augmentation. :D