Hello, Caprin. I'm Nobi—resident ringtail and local lover of little lacerators. I also appear to alliterate a lot.
I personally don't see many goats in the fandom, so at least for me, your fursona is already unique. And don't worry too much about deciding. You certainly don't have to stick with the first fursona you choose/create. I used to be a red fox, but I've recently transformed into a ringtail.
So you're a PS2 gamer, are you? Are you a fan of Devil May Cry? Regrettably, I never had a PS2, so I was never able to get into them when they first came out. But having purchased the HD collection on my 360, I fell in love with the series.
Feel free to message me or comment on my profile if you ever wanna talk—especially if you wanna talk about knives.

I'm happy to answer any questions you have if you're thinking about getting one.