I dont quite know what i fit under, (maybe other land sentients) But as Long as im welcome, then thankyou
and just to be nice, heres a pic of what a Yithian is, not a "real" creature, mindyou

Hard to see, sorry
Heres some details of what a yithian is.
Yith are scaled creatures, more massive than most other land sentients. Like snakes, they appear to be mainly tail, but they have four arms just below their head, They reproduce asexually; if a Yith is cut into pieces, any sufficiently large piece will, under favorable conditions, grow back into an entire Yith, with some of the memories and experience of the parent. Normally, they divide themselves when they get too large to think quickly and maneuver stealthily. The Yith nervous system is very decentralized; they have no central brain or spinal column. Instead, there is a network of nerves throughout the body that not only transfers sensory information but processes thought and stores memory. Because of this, Yith tend to think and react more slowly than those who have a central brain. On the other hand, they cannot suffer concussionary brain damage. Thus, a Yith which grows back from a cutting of its parent will have some of the parent's memories. Memory is holographic, so each child will have a larger portion of its parent's memories than would be predicted by a simple body mass ratio. Other systems (circulatory, respiratory, digestive) are similarly decentralized. When a Yith is cut up, the individual pieces work rapidly to form any parts that have been lost - eyes, mouth, and arms, for instance - and to form skin and scales over their exposed parts. There is theoretically no limit to how long a single Yith can live or how large it can grow, but generally a Yith will voluntarily fission before it grows larger than a ton or so. Larger Yith have more thinking capacity, but think and react more slowly, than smaller ones.
There ya go, assorted snipits of the description of a yithian.