I'm halfway done writing my LAST PAPER EVER. I'm in my final (fourth) year now of my uni program and only have 2 weeks left of classes.
This was my last semester of actual classes, next semester is a co-op placement but it's not actually. It's actually when they say "give us $3000 and find yourself a full time internship somewhere this semester and we'll give you your BA in 6 months."
I got my internship already at a firm doing digital graphics and data management for business IT. It upsets me that I go to work and pay my school to go learn at work -__- My school is a scam.
Im in my Sophomore year, first year in the highschool, and its so overwhelming! I have never had this much homework. It sure is a lot different from the other years. I hope when you say this is the easiest year in highschool your wrong or I'm going to die before I graduate Jk. But seriously.
Grade 10 was my most difficult and socially awkward year of highschool by far. I almost failed half of my classes because it's the last year I was required to take academic subjects I sucked at before they gave me an option to take whatever I wanted.
Also, is it just me? Or is EVERY high school guidance counselor completely lazy and useless? I never got anything done about classes or attendance when I dealt with them...like ever. I actually got more help from some random student than those people.