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Author Topic: Blood-Stained Roses(Open for 4-6 Applicants.)  (Read 1774 times)

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Offline OriontheFox

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Blood-Stained Roses(Open for 4-6 Applicants.)
« on: May 02, 2014, 02:29:44 AM »

This rp is an action anthro roleplay. It will feature 4-6 participants, whom I shall choose from applications. IT IS NOT FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. I will only accept applications I like. The characters I will need are:

An Antagonist! Vampire anthro is a bonus, but not a need. I want a smart, cunning person who can trick people into thinking they are on their side, and backstab them. I would prefer names like "Lucian" or "Arcadia" and not "Jack" or "Emma". This role will be the hardest to recieve but the biggest part. I may take 2 antagonists if needed.

Another Male/Female Protagonist! This one will not have as big of a part, but it will be fun, believe me. I want a risk taker, someone who is fearless, but funny as well. During battle, they lose all senses and go CRAZY. They must carry a weapon. No lasers or disintegrators. Name rule applies here too.

A traitor! This person will be a neutral/good person in the start, but will join the antagonist later on. I will pm this person when. This person must be nice, but have a secret which they are not willing to share. They CANNOT attach to people. They must be like an onion; Layers. Name rule applies. ONLY ONE PERSON FOR THIS.

Now, about the actual roleplay. It is set in a current age dark area. This place is known not as shady, but as paranormal. People talk of this place like it's only for the brave. There is going to be 3 settings you can interact with.

1. Main Village, casually named Visaro. Visaro's main Village is full of dark alleyways, abandoned houses, and one MASSIVE mansion which is inhabited by the mayor, and shady people. It is known for robbery and murder. Visaro will probably be the center of action.

2.Nawrtual Forest. Take your stereotypical dark forest and add an abandoned asylum. Creepy stuff goes down in here. It was said witches preformed sacrifice here. This is Nawrtual Forest. Asylum is a good place for the Antagonist.

3. The Meadows, which are home to a Wolf family. Good place for relaxation. Shouldn't  be used much so I'm not going to write much.


1. No Sexual Activity. If you do, do it by PM.

2. No Children Characters.

3. Please do not kill people without PMing the person and ME first.

4. If you wish to change your character at ANY time, PM me.

5. No spam.


7. Be fun! Add emotion!

8. Be respectful. This means no foul language, no rejecting other people's ideas, etc.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST. NO GODMODE. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Being a forum admin for an rp forum, I have banned more than enough people for this. If you do, you will be removed from the rp. If you break any of the other rules except for n1, you will get a warning. 3 warnings and you're out. If you break N1, you're out.

Alright, a couple more things.

I have a very awkward schedule due to divorced parents. I will be able to check and post this every Tuesday, Wednesday, and every second Friday/Saturday/Sunday. Monday and Thursday I will check but NO POSTS from me.

Character application form. This will be the fursona definition form on your profile layout plus a few others.



Height and Weight/Build:


Reference Image:

Personality of character:





How many SERIOUS Rp's have you participated in?

How many SERIOUS furry rp's have you participated in?

What are your strengths in writing?

What are your weaknesses?

If you could choose one adjective to describe your character, what would it be?



Thank you.

Post Merge: May 02, 2014, 07:56:30 PM
We have our first submission! Thank you Sparks!

That leaves 3-5 spots left.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 07:56:30 PM by OriontheFox, Reason: Merged DoublePost »
Orly? Ya rly.

Hit me up on Steam as [Furry]Orion the Fox

Join my rp! 3-5 application slots remaining!

Offline Aldrea945

  • Jovial Jaguar
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  • Species: Tiger/raven mix
  • Coloring: Gold and black fur seguing into black feathers
  • Height: 5 foot.
  • Weight: 220 pounds of fur and feathers
  • Build: Strong, lean, and agile. Built more for hunting or long range battle than heavy weapons or close range.
  • Currently: I shall live again! (Maybe.)
Re: Blood-Stained Roses(Open for 4-6 Applicants.)
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2014, 02:07:52 PM »
Orion, Sweety, I'd recommend putting this in OOC, not IC.  That's where application threads go for Serious RPs.
  • Avatar by: Kayato! <3 <3
I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.

Offline OriontheFox

  • Avid Aardvark
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  • Gender: Male
  • Hurr durr.
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  • Species: Fox
  • Coloring: Orange, with interspersed stripes of black. White chest and
  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 180
  • Build: Somewhat fit.
  • Currently: Meeting some rad people!
Re: Blood-Stained Roses(Open for 4-6 Applicants.)
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2014, 02:31:30 PM »
Orion, Sweety, I'd recommend putting this in OOC, not IC.  That's where application threads go for Serious RPs.

Alright. Thanks for the heads-up. Is there a way I can move it?
Orly? Ya rly.

Hit me up on Steam as [Furry]Orion the Fox

Join my rp! 3-5 application slots remaining!

Offline Aldrea945

  • Jovial Jaguar
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  • awards This user has been a forum member for over 10 years
  • Posts: 821
  • Gender: Female
  • A whole world ahead of me to do stupid things.
    • DeviantArt
    • Awards
  • Species: Tiger/raven mix
  • Coloring: Gold and black fur seguing into black feathers
  • Height: 5 foot.
  • Weight: 220 pounds of fur and feathers
  • Build: Strong, lean, and agile. Built more for hunting or long range battle than heavy weapons or close range.
  • Currently: I shall live again! (Maybe.)
Re: Blood-Stained Roses(Open for 4-6 Applicants.)
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2014, 07:47:30 PM »
You can either contact a mod and ask for it moved, or hit modify, copy everything to a word document, close the thread, and create a new thread on the OOC page.  The mods are pretty nice though, so that may be easiest.  :)
  • Avatar by: Kayato! <3 <3
I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.


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