Some of you as your looking into here or looking across this topic are probably wondering "What are mustelids? ??? "
Well, I think its time I brought some of you furs into the knowlege of what are mustelids and stuff cause not too many people ( online and in RL ) mistake mustelid animals with felines, canines, and even rodents! O.O
So to clear some misconceptions I thought "Hmm, I should post this up to educate!
" and here I am now.
So I dont have to type alot too much to explain, click that and read. Mustelids (Mustelidae) are Weasels! Not canines, or felines, or Rodents!
Animals that are in the mustelid family: And plenty more of course but these are the most known.
Well, thats all! ^^ Hope you learned something.