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Author Topic: Death Comes to us All (Closed, lack of interest)  (Read 1330 times)

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Offline Jesse-Whitetail

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Death Comes to us All (Closed, lack of interest)
« on: May 18, 2014, 04:44:44 PM »

1.  Each new Poster must post a profile and short post of where they are and what they are doing.

2.  Each poster will post in turn respectively to when they entered the RP.  (Me first, followed by, then by....etc)

3. Feel free to invite friends who may be interested.

Name: Jesse White-tail

Age: 19

Race: Anthro

Species: Rabbit

Description: Stands at
5ft 7
, weighing 95lbs, white fur, Ice Blue hair with a green strip. Has hetrochromia, his left eye is neon green and his right eye is sapphire blue. This can be hard to see since he uses his long hair to cover his left eye from sight so that only his right eye is ever on display. Is dressed in a dark blue hoodie and black jeans with a black hooded cloak.

L96 Arctic Warfare Sniper rifle, Blackhawk combat knife and Glock 17 Pistol.

Jesse loaded one more round into the magazine of his sniper rife before loading it into the rifle itself. He took a glance out of the window with it's broken glass mostly on the floor beside him. He could hear the shrils of the creatures as they roamed around outside. He stood up and slung the rifle over his shoulder and picked up his backpack that he had refilled with food, medical supplies and ammunition from the house he was in.

He pulled the hood from his cloak up over his long ears before he walked into the hallway and pulled down the ladders that led towards the attic. Once in the attic he climbed up through the skylight onto the roof, he lay down and crawled to the edge and had a good look up and down the street which was fortunately empty. There was one or two cars still burning even though it had been a good few weeks since the chaos had begun.

Somewhere there was an accident in a laboratory and a deadly virus escaped despite all of their "protocols." The virus wasted no time and took its toll on the elderly and the very young, they died quickly but just as quickly they came back to life as blood and flesh hungry monsters. A single bite was all that was needed for the virus to spread from host to host, it would kill them and then they would get back up and do unto others what had been done unto them.

Jesse had been one of a lucky few, his parents were military and despite arguments from the government the military armed every abled body. Sadly Jesse was separated from his parents as they stayed to defend the instillation and he was whisked off to defend some random town.  Two weeks after that, his unit was attacked and many of them scattered in all directions, now he was alone with no where to go and no one to help him.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 09:59:39 PM by Jesse-Whitetail »


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