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Author Topic: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...  (Read 2442 times)

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Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:12:03 PM »

Oh god the eye makes me cringe anyway its basically something I scribbled down at school end of the day and I stepped on it and smeared the eye D: I have tons of other stuff to I want to show people but I'm kind of scared to lol.

I know im bad and need practice but I eventually want to actually upload art.

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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 08:18:25 PM »
You're not that bad, you just need to practice and try out different styles.
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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 08:29:28 PM »
You're not that bad, you just need to practice and try out different styles.
lol yeah Ive only been actually drawing for one year and I know I don't practice enough ): I've only filled like two sketchbooks and its mostly scribbles and trash. maybe 1/3 actual drawings the rest just trying to grasp whats visually appealing.

What I need to do is really go hardcore on drawing bodies without baggy clothing almost all my drawings have like hoodies and large shirts or long sleeves because I dont have an eye for those under the clothes yet. Also I just recently broke through the barrier of not having thick limbs which always bothered me when I draw my fursona because it should match me and I'm small framed.

Also trying to do drapery and actual volume to stuff but as you can see its only very basic and my char is barren of detail!

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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 08:50:08 PM »
I'm bad at drawing hands so I use images online as reference.
I also have a vary strange style sometimes.
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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2014, 09:09:08 PM »
you're pretty good, you do the pose pretty well.
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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2014, 09:19:36 PM »
The shoulder looks like its resting on a wall and the other arm is holding the character away from it.
This is quite an awkward position.

It's important to learn to draw from real life and poses known to be aesthetic. It helps to develop an inner manikin as well so to speak.

You need to work on line efficiency, your lines are efficient but they're not anatomically correct or interesting rhythmically so the character looks stiff.

It really helps to study gesture drawings to feel what is right and capture life like motion.

You're drawing a toonish style as most furs do and you need to capture motion as that's what makes cartoons to have their own quality beyond realism.

Try to practice applying a expressions to the simple form. For example, draw a ball and apply eyes to the head until you develop a style for the eyes that feels comfortable. Try the three pose to ensure you have a style reference from various angles as that should provide enough information for any angle (side view, front view, frontal-side third perspective view).

Practice also joining two basic forms at a time to say the spine, like the head and torso.

Develop an inner dialog of constant analysis until you get things right and don't have to think. Do gesture drawing (pixelovely and quickposes and posemaniacs are good sites) daily. Draw both humans, animals and select which 10 or so artists you wish to be more alike and why and what parts you want to use, experiment with this.

Apply perspective, practice gesture and proportions from the imagination. There's a difference between a good drawer and good artist, creativity should be practiced and that takes working in the box with out of the box ideas.

You're on the right track.
You may want to play with painting, as well and possibly even digital art.

Happy drawing.


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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2014, 09:56:45 PM »
Thanks :)

I did some digital art but it generally looks like a really scratchy carved sort of jagged lines style.

I would like to try realistic art to but oh my god I cant get it right at all.

Thanks for all the advice It really helps. Most people just say DRAW MORE! but its hard to get better if you keep making the same mistakes.

Post Merge: September 03, 2014, 09:59:03 PM

Thanks :)

I did some digital art but it generally looks like a really scratchy carved sort of jagged lines style.

Also any programs out there that are better then Gimp for free? My Wallet isn't very fat.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 10:06:03 PM by Ja'Richo »

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Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2014, 10:53:24 PM »
Try to realism is drawing big like on the old canvases and mural walls, patiently, forming an inner dictionary of curve and mark types, length units, etc. The classic o'clock trick should help, for example a like of gentle sloping hill may be 2oclock or half past 2 etc or more advanced as you improve. Classical trick of curves is noting the certain types of curves of your hand and say fruit. Between each line give yourself some time to think, pause 5 seconds between each line if it helps and maintain you don't just understand shapes but forms and how they relate to each other in space. Study from pictures, not books, take what you need from photos and real life and art and apply it to your own inner manikins, your own inner imagination. There was an article on another forum along the same lines. If you want to study realism (which is great for learning advanced colour, you can check out free forums like on parts of ConceptArt Forums for exercises and challenges.

Studying and creativity make the artist, working from imagination, reality and memory until you need references no more.

SAI paint tool costs but not too much, it is what most digital artists tend to use unless they work in big companies or colleges and in that case they use Photoshop etc.

Providing you have a tablet or even sketching, try to draw from your shoulder, it will free up your lines, let your arms sweep across the medium without touching and land to continue the line as if on a runway. Have you tried the CtrlPaint website? They provide great tutorials even though much is geared to photoshop it's not hard to catch the jist and as what the instructor says about the interface applies to not just PS but whatever you use, I believe you may find some help in composition with Concept Art and ImagineFX as well as dA-renown Schoolism and Imaginism. Try to work on your creativity at the same time, experiment; leave behind what methods don't work, find an artist who's similar to you and assess why theirs is better than yours in certain respect and use art theory to understand the differences.

You'll find your mindset and work patterns changing over time, if you want to improve don't be too conservative and too afraid to experiment as all that will do is halt your progression. Visual Thinking, well if you don't go to art school, iTunes U has some very nice art theory, thinking help and history. Trust me, you'll be surprised how much furry artists take after art school principles. Studying "gesture drawing" may help you expand your poses a bit, long as you don't trace models and form a dictionary based on an inner manikin. Study line efficiency and fur layering if you continue to get like issues, remember that you don't need to emphasise surface detail with heavier lines but rather hint at it. You're doing well, give yourself a hug :3
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 10:55:28 PM by Kozy »


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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2014, 12:44:41 AM »

Actually gives me a direction to go in before I was just like guessing at it and trying over and over again until I got something decent then trying to learn from it. Which of course is like making the same mistake over and over again until you finally make a mistake that looks atleast alittle better. Then make that mistake until it looks better taking little bits from art I've seen here nad there trying to figure out how they did that and stuff and do it on my own which often ends up looking much worse then you intended lol.

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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2014, 10:19:28 PM »
Like a lot of other people have said your not  bad if you'd like I can upload an image to here to help you with the muscularity/anatomy issue someone mentioned

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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2014, 12:13:10 AM »
Judging from just the one image, I'd highly suggest you take some figure drawing courses.
If you cannot do that, then sketch porn.
I'm not kidding.
Drawing naked people twisting and moving in odd shapes is a wonderful way to observe how the body moves and shifts its weight. Right now, your character looks very stiff, as if he is flexing all his muscles to hold that position. One of the very hard parts of drawing the humanoid form is making it look natural. Spending a lot of time drawing from moving life will help immeasurably. Don't focus on the overall picture: focus on the the shape of the body and where gravity would naturally take effect. Just because something is easier or more fun to draw doesn't necessarily make it the right answer to an anatomical question. That's one of the harder lessons I personally had to learn.
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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2014, 10:06:46 PM »

getting better still I suppose...

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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2014, 10:09:12 PM »
Kinda hard to see, but daym. That's good!
People make omellettes with butter? Ew!

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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2014, 04:01:52 PM »
You're getting better, keep at it.
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Re: Rate my artistic ability as of right now...
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2014, 02:19:23 PM »
Wow nice! Dat smear doe  >.>


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