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Author Topic: Redshirts  (Read 1351 times)

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Offline coolcoyote

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« on: January 25, 2015, 03:56:45 AM »
( Quick reference. The fates of all players and npcs in this RP are decided by Dice. Here is a quick reference so players do not have to hunt and search for it else where.

When prompted the GM, sometimes other players depending on the situation, rolls a 10 sided dice off screen and posts the result. Success always favors the player.

10-9 Uncanny Success! Crittical hit. Etc etc.
8-6 Success. Hit. Dodge etc etc
5-3 Failure. Miss. Failed dodge. etc etc.
2-1 Critical Failure. Players can only die if this is rolled. Very few situations are non fatal.

WHEN CHARACTERS DIE: Exactly how the character, ahem, kicks the bucket is up to them. But they are either killed / taken out of commision. On their next turn they may enter with a new character.

ENTERING THE GAME: Please run it by us in the ooc Redshirt thread found on the rp forum. Rules for alts are there. Generally all you need to do is have a believable entry and describe your alt. More than one alt can be played at once.

you only need to let us know you are joining in once. After you join the game, and possibly lose an alt, you do not need approval for the next.

The only major rule is be prepaired to have things go...wrong. :3

How long will your character survive >:3 )


The final frontier.

For some...a Fatal frontier...

The only noise ensign could hear at this point was his own tired pants and gasps for breath that barely drowned out the sound of his own heart beat.

At this point the ensign didn't even know where he was going. These tunnels were poorly lit and poorly marked and he was running blind through them at break neck speed as one would run through the trees of his homeworld L'veth.

His gold and purple stripes did little however to blend into the tight corridors and open wires of the maintinance tunnels.

The reptilian skinned cat paused at an intersection to lean up against the wall and clutch tightly at his chest. A combination of micro gravity and easy access to food replicators was slowing the young ensign down.

If he got out of here alive then he would swear off all fast food for the rest of his life. If he got out of this.

The ensign looked up then and couldnt believe what he saw. An exit sign! He was saved!

"Oh thank all that is holy." The ensign took too steps forward and was tackled from behind. His body flew across the room, landing in a hap hazard pile against the far wall. The reptillian cat began to craw away with a terrified yowl.

His screams where drowned out by a loud peircing SKREEEEEEEEEEE!

The last sound he heard was the sickening crunch of the creatures teeth as they sank into his hide...

Sometime later ...

The quartermaster was less than pleased. By definition he was never pleased or even pleasing to look at. Sitting behind a desk made for humans only gave him something to compare his vast size and bulk too.

lurching over his desk so his head wouldnt brush against the cieling the quartermaster growled. Or prehaps it was his usual breathing noise. It was hard to twll when one has an aligator shaped head filled with tusks. His body was made of chittin, like an insect shell, and colored brown. All four arms were busy with paper work while his scorpion like tail twitched impatiently on the floor.

It was generally conaidered unwise to keep the quartermaster waiting. And the team he had summoned here were getting close to the dead line...
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 05:33:08 AM by coolcoyote »

Offline Ryan Naismith

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2015, 12:46:49 AM »
Barrett Fulton (He took a human name because he immigrated to a human planet) stood there, mashing at a control panel for an elevator. The damn thing wasn't working, which put him in an even more sour mood than he already was.
Earlier, an ensign had said "Fulton, anyone ever told you you look like a two legged version of my kids dog?"
"No." He had said, simply. He liked to keep things simple.
"Well, ya look like a dog."
Said ensign's face was promptly smashed in. Just like he was about to smash in the nearest engineer's face, if this damned elevator didn't work.

 FDF forever!

To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell.
-Marquis de Sade
The way is lit. The path is clear.
We require only the strength to follow it.

Offline coolcoyote

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2015, 05:43:25 PM »
The quartermaster looked up at the clock. All four eyes narrowed as he let loose a low key growl. Reaching for a small blackish device on his desk the alien began the pain staking labor of trying to type in numbers onto his communicator while using talon like claws.

If the soldiers don't come to you then you go to the soldiers...and make sure they pay for it dearly...

"Fulton." The shepards communicator blaired to life whether he wanted it too or not. "An I disturbing your beauty sleep or something? Where are you? And for that matter where are you Jenkins?"

A second voice appeared over the com line, much younger and certainly less gruff than the quartermaster. "Sorry sir. Just taking care of some duties, i'm coming right down the hallway."

The elevator door opened to admit another creature. The coyote like creature stood a little shorter than Fulton although his wide bat like ears more than made up for the difference. His fur came in various shades of brown with dark brown spots. His long lion like tail nearly got in the door as the elevator continued to move towards the dogs destination.

The coyotes name tag on his vest read 'Ensign Reddy Jenkins."

"I am uh..." said the coyote at he struggled to tuck in his uniform while almost literally juggling a cup of coffee and a dohnut in his hands. He looked at the marine behind him precariously as he continued, "I was...just running some files for...uh...medical. I'll be there shortly."

"Don't bother. Just meet up with Fulton. It will save some time coming to my office. The job I have for yous is rather simple so try not to screw it up." Jenkins cringed but only slightly, "Ensign Tabais Vxklsnort failed to report in this morning for his shift. His communicator was found in his quarters but his room mate says he didnt come in last night."

The quartermaster continued in his usual gravely voice, "The 'good' ensign has made a habbit of skipping out on work. Last time he was found in the ships lounge. If you do happen to find him there toss him in the brig. I'll deal with him later...

Offline Ryan Naismith

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2015, 08:40:46 PM »
"No excuse sir!" Fulton had said, mentally tearing out the throat of the creator of this damned elevator. The quartermaster of this ship was the only thing on this ship that really and truly scared him.
"I see you're finally ready, Reddy..." Fulton said with a roll of his eyes and a swish of his tail
He didn't really hate Jenkins; he didn't know him
Well enough. Though his four mood and gruff demeanor towards him gave off the impression that he did. His species was a rather pessimistic one. He had personally taken to the human adage "Murphy's law", which said "anything that can happen, will happen." And it was often used in a negative manner.
He pressed the appropriate buttons to send him and Jenkins to the floor with the lounge, looking to him with the scowl that he often wears "You were having sex, weren't you?" He pursed his lips, not waiting for an answer "We should head to the lounge. Check around for Vlz..." He mumbled some of the words, unable to pronounce it "ensign Snort. If he isn't there... We should probably head planetside, with a squad, maybe." he sighed deeply "just get your uniform squared away. I don't want you following me around like..." He did a wide gesture at the smaller ensign "that..." as he says that, you notice that his marine's uniform is perfectly squared away, rank insignia, several medals, and various other bits and baubles all in perfect order. "I can hold your coffe. Or something. Just fix yourself."

 FDF forever!

To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell.
-Marquis de Sade
The way is lit. The path is clear.
We require only the strength to follow it.

Offline coolcoyote

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2015, 10:21:07 PM »
The coyote crushed the coffe cup in his hand in pure shock. The tuft of his tail seemed to poof out strait like a cotton ball. "W-what? WHAT?! Why would you-" the smaller creature finished tucking in his uniform around his rather portly midriff. "Ah." the coyote tried to laugh off this embarrassing encounter as best he could. " I just over slept a bit. There was a party in the lounge last night. Big one. I suspect our poor missing ensign is forgot to set his alrm like I did this morning. And before you ask, no, I didnt see him there."

The alien yote / bat chuckled slightly,  "Heh. The quartermaster threatened to strangle me with my own tail if I let that happen again. Big dimwitted lumox with a name you can only communicate through smell...he gets on my nerverse sometimes. I mean this one time he..."

"Jenkins. do realize that you never turned off the com...right?" The brown furred, and now coffee stained Jenkins turned bright red under his fur. "OH." He gulped. ""

"Just find the bleeding little space scamp or I'll be grilling your weasely little hide for breakfast! Now quit lolly gaggin and get to WORK!" there was a brief pause on the other line after this outburst. Then, in a slightly offened tone he added, "And its not my fault you both cant comunicated with anything else but sound..." CLICK.

The coyote sighed, "He is in a chipper mood." The coyote then peered down towards the human as if for the first time. He reguarded the prone crew member and the dog for a long moment with a raised eyebrow. "I..(gulp) will keep that in mind."

The elevator continued on for a moment longer in silence. Something was obviously bugging the creature. Possibly the unconcious crew member on the floor possibly something else. Finally he spoke up, "You look just like a pet tungarian ferret I had as a child..."


The elevator came to a stop a moment later. The doors opened to reveal the lounge. The room was large enough to accomidate a rather large portion of the ships crew, possibly even a hundred. Being on a ship there was only so much one could do with cosmetics to the lounge. Didn't mean the designers didnt try.

For some the red and brown paint job would have been pleasing, for others it just made their eyes want to bleed. A large bar was set up in the back of the room on the main floor of the lounge. On the other side were located the doors to the rest of the deck, as opposed to simply taking the elevator here.

In the center of the room the floor dipped down several feet to another platform, connected via a ramp way. The bottom floor was lined with painting of things that could be vaugly defined as art. On the far side of the room was a large curved screen displaying the glory of the vast and innumerable universe outside. On sundays it showed the local foot ball game.

There were few people here. All staff. Two humans worked to clean up the place, broken bottles, dirty dishes, a feline ensign laying passed out on the floor. Small things really.

The bar tender busily cleaned his bar as the elevator opened. His many green skinned tenticals working busily to clean the dishes around him.

Offline Ryan Naismith

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2015, 10:47:55 PM »
"Heh..." Fulton said, chuckling as Jenkins futzed with his uniform, outright laughing as he came under fire from the quartermaster. Hopefully, he could regain favor.
Fulton gritted his teeth, just barely preventing himself from outright tearing out the coyotes throat when he mentioned 'pet' , the dreaded word. "" Then the elevator slid open.
The rec room was a room he rarely visited, he found the color scheme began to hurt his eyes after an hour or two.But the times when he had been in it, were amazing. Though they were fuzzy, they were still amazing. At least he had a vague remembrance that he did.

He saw the feline splayed across the floor, Walked up to her, delivering a hard kick to her stomach, partly because of his already dour mood, and the fact that he would rather not harm
The man he was supposed to be cooperating with, if he could help it. Tended to
Make them not give up information. Get his friends killed.
"WAKE UP!" He roared, in a voice that would make any sane person tremble in their boots


Lieutennant Andrew Payton awoke with a start, and immediately stood at attention. A massive, black canniness was yelling for him to wake up. So wake up he did. He saw the man's ensign ranking on his immaculate uniform (his was much less so;his beret was falling off, and his shirt and belt were nowhere to be seen), and still stood at attention, even though he outranked him. He wasn't about to pull rank on the likes of him.
The canine surveyed the room, standing next to a female seaman. He spotted Payton, and yelled "You! Fox-boy! Clean this sh!t up! Along with anyone who doesnt want a court martial!"

Alright, that was it. He was pulling rank on him, so he pulled rank back "I am Lieutennant Payton!" he said, walking up to the black furred ensign as if he was pissed, when in reality, he was scared out of his wits. That...was he a German shepherd?... Would crush the likes of him, a fennec fox, in an instant.

The shepherd immediately stood at a perfect attention, so Payton couldn't attack him there. But he needed to stay on the offensive, or else he would loose his steam, Peter out, and then the shepherd would beat him to a pulp

"Now, for being so disrespectful to a superior officer, I want you to clean this up! Or you'll get a court martial!" he lied through his teeth. He didn't even know how to do a court martial! But he hoped the threat was enough

It was, apparently. With a grumble, the black mountain of flesh began to flip an overturned table.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 12:31:46 AM by Naismith-Shepherd »

 FDF forever!

To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell.
-Marquis de Sade
The way is lit. The path is clear.
We require only the strength to follow it.

Offline coolcoyote

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2015, 12:18:57 AM »
Jenkins helped Clean up the mess! By standing out of the way and letting the shepard take care of it.

"Sir." The yote like creature saluted and proceded to go on like the marine never kicked a superior officer in the gut. No, he was standing as far away from him as possible less some of that fall out reach the poor ensign.

"Thesslnixarmaaaaa...uh," Jenkins cursed slightly trying to pronounce the Quartermasters name. Verballing it came out to about 15 -18 sylibles. Give or take. It was the reason people called him simply The quartermaster. Quarty to friends...behind closed doors and on the opposite end of the ship away from the quartermaster.

"The Quartermaster sent us after a missing Ensign. Possibly Awol. He uh...had the habbit of visiting the lounge it seemed. I don't...I don't suppose you might have seen this man?"

The ensign then produced a small hologram making device that emited the missing creatures name and facial features in bright translucient colors.

Offline Ryan Naismith

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2015, 12:33:17 AM »
Fulton grmbled, picking up a broken shot glass with a rustic old dustpan, clearly not in a very good mood. Which he wasn't in one before, but this really only served to make him more dour than he already was. And he was extra dour today.

Lt. Payton grunted "I dunno..." He sighed deeply "he might've... I was too busy looking at the ladies. And when I wasn't doing that... I was looking at the bottom of a glass." A cheeky grin spread across his face "Sorry but... I'm going to find my shirt and leave the nigh thing that probably wants to kill me." He sighed, and after a brief scan of the room, he saw someone's uniform shirt. So he pulled it on, tucking it into his pants. He was fairly sure that this shirt was designed for a woman with rather...curvy proportions. Which only served to make him look slightly more effimate than he already was.

 FDF forever!

To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell.
-Marquis de Sade
The way is lit. The path is clear.
We require only the strength to follow it.

Offline coolcoyote

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Re: Redshirts
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2015, 03:39:07 PM »
Jenkins gave a light hearted chuckle. "Man that was one epic party." Coughing politely the coyote continued, "Thank you for We will continue to look for the ensign else where. It might take some time searching for clues but we will find him eventually-"

"He's in maintinance."

Jenkins turned his attention to the green tenticaled bar keep, "Excuse me?"

The bar keep talked as he continued to clean dishes, "The little twerp in the hologram, he was at the bar last night. Filled his gullet with enough snacks and Romulan Ale to kill a mouse before he dissapeared down the maintinance shaft outside."

"I think the term is 'enough to kill a horse'"

"Horse, mouse, all animals I havn't seen before." The bar keep said with a shrug, "I had to slither out from the bar for a moment but I caught a glimps of him before he dissapeared into the maintinance shaft in the hallway."

"And you're sure of this?" The hote asked quizically, "Why didn't you stop him?"

"Because I am a bar keep, not security?" The alien offered. "And he had a tool kit with him so I assumed he was about to go on shift."

"With a belly full of ale?" Jenkins asked again with a raised eyebrow. If the people in charge of keeping the ship together and running showed up filled with beer then it might actually explain a few things about the ship how his shower will occasionqlly shoot out plumes of fire.

Never a dull day on the McGuffin.

"Well...that was incredibly easy." Clapping his paws together the yote said to his companion, "You ready to go? At this rate we will be finished up before party in the mess hall starts tonight!"


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