Share your story on how you came to understand and accept your sexuality.
After many, many years of being raised not exactly anti-gay but always making fun of and disgusted by gay people I swore up and down I was straight as they come. Early in my childhood I liked to crossdress, only being caught twice. Later during my teens I dabbled in cding very little, it made me feel ashamed. I've always been attracted to girls with tails and ears but never understood why I liked (CONTENT REMOVED) I started to get a little...inquisitive. Also after those and getting older I finally got out from under my fathers idea of who I should be, I decided I should choose to be what I want to be, not what he wants me to be. (CONTENT REMOVED) recently with my best friend I confessed I've had feelings towards guys and always liked gfur. This has been my first step in truly accepting being bi. I've had 3 girlfriends and 0 boyfriends, hell I've never even tried anything with any guy. The most I've done is cuddle with one. Now I'm really interested in experimenting and seeing whether or not bi-ness is ok with me, whether I want it or not. It's not anywhere close to being solved but I feel very open, more open and accepting of myself than I ever have been. Thanks for reading!
Post your experiences, post your story, what makes you, you? And how did you come to terms with what you are?