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Author Topic: Hello...i'm new here...  (Read 873 times)

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Offline Skittsie

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Hello...i'm new here...
« on: May 22, 2015, 06:49:28 PM »
I'm not good with introductions so i'll get straight into it. I'm new here and to forum sites like this one as i've stayed away from these types of places for a long time, due to my lack of liking and wanting to be around other people for a few personal reasons. So i'm sure that you now wondering why i've suddenly decided to come to this site and to meet new people,  to be honest i don't think i know the answer to that question myself but i feel like giving it a go and seeing how things turn out. I tend to not check my account on forum sites a lot as i mainly forget about them and normally nothing ever happens for me on those sites. Also if my English skills are poor then please forgive me as English isn't my native language, but i'd prefer not to go into too much detail about that.

To be totally honest with you i'm not a nice person and i know this from the amount of people telling me how they think i'm overly harsh and despicably cruel minded, and of course i'm not trying to say that i'm the worst person out there but at least i'm honest. I'm mainly like this because of my up bringing and because of all the things that i've had to deal with in my life so far, and yet again i'm not saying that i've had the worst life possible but just that it hasn't been terribly great. I only have one person in my life that i'd call a friend and that's after knowing him for over 3-4 years, along with other complications in my life and past which make it hard for me to trust, interact and call someone a friend.

If you've made it this far then good on you as your not like the rest of them who just give up at the first sight of a boring introduction, i also know that your probably tired of reading through this boring stuff and are interested in my hobbies and stuff like that. So i'll get right into it. I don't have many hobbies or any interesting ones at least as i spend most of my days when i'm not at college trying to find something to watch on Youtube, or i'll go on Steam and play one of my old games for about 5 minutes before getting bored of them. I wish that i could do and have more hobbies but unfortunately i simply do not have the money for them. And im not really sure how to introduce this but i've had an addiction to one particular game for the past two years of my life and its called GTA 5, and of course you'll have heard about it unless you've been living under a rock for the past two or three years. I know that many furs that i've came into contact with dislike the game for some reason which is completely fine, but for me the game ticks so many boxes and things that i look for in a game. But other then my unhealthy addiction with GTA 5 i also revise often for my college course that i'm taking in Automotive Mechanics, which i've enjoyed learning over the past year and would like to be able to stay on for another year to improve my automotive knowledge.

Well that's really all that i can think of telling you at the moment but if you do happen to be interested in talking with me then feel free to add me on Skype or Steam, and thank you for reading my introduction.
Skype Account Name: Skittsie
Steam Account Name: Skittsie


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