So, I see there are some suicide and crisis hotlines, but those aren't right for me. I'm not feeling suicidal. I just need to vent my emotional problems. I can only see my therapist once every two weeks, it's all I can afford. And there isn't much I can get out in an hour. He always asks how I've been and what's happened. By the time I cover two weeks of events, time's up, and I can't get everything out. I've even heard that people called crisis or suicide hotlines just to vent, and the person from the hotline said that if they weren't feeling suicidal, they wouldn't talk to them.
I keep searching for a free therapy hotline and find nothing at all. There's a few text chats, but, I'd really want voice chat, I much prefer it. I feel text just doesn't convey emotions as well for me. It's easier to speak my mind than type it sometimes. I would even be willing to pay like $50 a month. But no. Any of the therapy hotlines I've seen... the cheapest was $1 per minute. That's already $60 just for one freaking hour. I'd be spending thousands a month. And even if the suicide hotlines will talk to me, I'd feel like I was being selfish because someone else needs to talk to that counselor more than I do.
Anyone know what I can do? The few friends I do tell my problems too are getting fed up with hearing my bs. I don't even want advice, I just need someone to listen and respond. At this point I am willing to pay someone $50 a month for this. I know that's practically nothing but I have other bills to pay.