Desiré shakes her head "Well, you're close, not all the equipment is the latest. I've been doing this for a year, and some of this equipment, is older than I am, but they do their job and are easy to maintain." she states as she sits down and goes over the research. "I'm not entirely sure, some have said they have seen more than one apparition, and others have said they've seen the same one, but in different rooms" she says, marking spots on the map.
She looks up "Now, as you are new to the job, I must warn you, most of these places can be very dangerous, and not just because of the spiritual presences, ceilings, walls and other parts of these places can just fall down around you, so please be careful" she says, as she hands him a flashlight.
Her ears twitch, "so Al, have you had any past experience with the spiritual or paranormal before?"