Hi, I know it's been 2 days since I've been on the forum, but I haven't introduced myself yet, so hi I am Bayon! I'm a wolf who's hyperactive at one time and very calm and productive the other. I like to play video games and watch doctor who

, if I'm not doing one or the other I'm probably drawing, binge watching YouTube, Doing things outside, which I occasionally do, or I'm in school

. I dislike spiders (those nasty things are every where, this morning, one was on my light Switch!

), alternative words that end with a y(like belly, silly, spooky...

) and drawing marker on paper.(oh gawd do I hate it when you draw marker on paper, it's just like scratching a chalkboard

). Things I like are doctor who (yes I am a whovian, and btw, bow ties are cool), portal (it's where I get my 2 favorite colors from), orange and blue (omg it's a reversal I got them from portal), cod (I can name almost every ww2 gun I see now), Furries (I am almost one month in of being one), things that make no sense at all (like apples and cheese make the perfect train chairs), future bass and glitch hop (Grant bowtie and voliant FTW), and any thing new (the freshness of the items always gets me). Im going all out on this post because up next is things I'm good at! Yay! More me talking! Ok, so I am good at audio setup (I know every thing from double female couplers, to 4pole audio outputs,) engineering (I've come up with many good inventions), drawing (even though I'm a newb), puzzles (that's why my favorite game is portal) and COD (MLG 360 NO SCOPE 420 BLAZE IT, ILL PWN U NEWBS ENE DEY EVRY DEY

) alright there you have it a few... Um I mean A LOT of things about me
