Urk. Haven't we had enough of these threads lately?
We've had a straight thread, an asexual thread, a gender thread and a LGBT thread.
All we are concerned about is the problems with being one or the other. All anyone seems to do these days is focus on what's bad about their role in life, they talk about how it's bad being gay, how it's bad being straight, how it's bad being asexual, male, female, trans, cis, all we seem to focus on these days is what's bad, how we're in some way disadvantaged.
You know what? **censor** that, I don't care, I've had enough of that I'm sick of it. I'm not gonna talk about what's bad with being a male, or gay, or a ginger, I don't care.
I'm gonna talk about what's good about being a person and even though I have the flu, and 3 tests coming up next week and because of my flu I couldn't present on something I've been working really hard towards, I still managed to spend the day with some cool people I hadn't really known before. I still managed to taste the awesomeness of sweet chocolate from a kit kat bar, I still managed to listen to some awesome music and I get to hug my wonderful dog.
We always focus on what's bad, and I know for some people there isn't much else to focus on, but I know for me I can focus on what's good and that's what I like.
I like being gay because I've met some awesome friends through the community, I've learned a lot about life and I'm happy to be accepting of myself
I like being ginger cause it means I won't go to hell for being gay cause I have no soul
I like being a man cause I don't have to wear makeup and care as much about my looks. Even though I may have to care more about my masculinity, I don't, because I choose not to.
We keep trying to find what's wrong with life, can we once look for what's right?