Take the first letter of your first name: Take the letter of your last name:
A - Wind P - Friendship A - Flame P - Hatred
B - Fire Q - Uber B - Tempest Q - Weakening
C - Lightning R - Killer C - Gaia R - Murder
D - Earth S - Plague D - Flood S - Disease
E - Water T - Nature E - Electricity T - Deforestation
F - Three swords U - Darkness F - Steel U - Light
G - Two swords V - Light G - Golden V - Darkness
H - One sword W - Moon H - Tough as nails W - Sun
I - Sage X - Aura I - Magnet X - Death
J - Speedy Fists Y - Extreme Weight J - Speedy Feet Y - Exercise
K - Strong Arm Z - Attraction K - Strong Leg Z - Repulsion
L - Kick Combo L - Punch combo
M - Attack from the heavens M - Attack from the hells
N - Attack from the hells N - Attack from the heavens
O - One man army O - Army of One
Then, take your gender: and your birth month
Male: Style Jan: Omega Death Beam!
Female: Art Feb: Loose Cannon!
March: Fate Sealer!
April: Rain of Terror!
May: Absolute Destroyer!
June: Bazooka!
July: Nuclear Blitz!
Aug: Federation Bester!
Sep: God's Delete Button!
Oct: Satan's Adoption letter!
Nov: Blast of Awesome!
Dec: Cataclysm!
Arrange your answer like this:
A - B - Male - Jan
"Wind and Tempest Style: Omega Death Beam!"
And see what you get!