I'm assuming this is the right place??
Furries. What are they?
Weird people in animal suits? Time wasters? Socially Insane? (And a few other things but let's keep it PG).
We have been called these names LONG ENOUGH.
Its about time us furries find a way to communicate in public without showing ourselves to bystanders.
We have the PhiPaw as a symbol, that's a start! I just feel we could do better.
How about a few gestures? or some kind of 'Furry Code'?
Or simple rules we have to follow to make ourselves better in public.
Its time to start! Let's improve furries, and start a new beginning for ourselves. Then maybe, the world will respect us, Just a little more.
Step 1, simple rules.
We need rules that we all know. I have a few ideas.
-Be kind to any/everyfur
We need more than this however, and feel free to edit/remove things from this list.
If we are going to make a positive impact, we need to respect the person may be trying to live their life, therefore being respectful.
We NEED this. How about a public gesture?
such as, pawing the air with your hand?
A simple stance?
Something to Identify each other.
-A four-fingered high-five while standing on your toes. (Animal Stance)
-A symbol (We have the PhiPaw already)
Let's improve ourselves, then!
(This is not ment to mock/change completely/make fun of/remove furries in any way. It's simply a way to better identify ourselves as who we are to eachother, and have fun doing it.)