I'm- ugh- a little over 200lbs, last time I checked.
I don't care about the weight of others. Skinny people are great, bigger people are great, all the people in-between are great. I just don't like me and MY weight.
I'm chubby, but not extremely so. And it's mostly in my torso. I'm a bit heavier than I was as a teen.... I'm not sure how to fix it. I've heard a million different things. I wanna eat healthier, but my food options are limited (I can only buy a little bit of stuff, and I have almost no room for it). I wanna exercise, but even if I figure out the best way to do it, my asthma makes it difficult. And then I think to myself- what's so horrible about my body now anyway? Is it really so fat and ugly?
My mom and dad constantly tell me I'm gonna be fat forever, and criticize everything I try, no matter what it is. *sigh*
So I'm stuck for now, I guess.