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Author Topic: FEVER!!1!!11!!111!1!!  (Read 1498 times)

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Offline Niiro Kitsune

  • Vibrating Furby
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  • awards This user has been a forum member for over 10 years
  • Posts: 10
  • Gender: Male
    • Awards
  • Species: Fox
  • Coloring: Red fur, white belly and muzzle, black ears and paws, and red tail with white toward the tip
  • Height: 5 feet, 10 inches (from head to tail)
  • Weight: 175 pounds
  • Build: Big and cuddly
« on: December 02, 2007, 04:09:43 AM »
has anyfur heard of Fever by Aerosmith? if so can someone give me a link to download it? it was only released on ONE out of the twenty or so albums of Aerosmith (it was on Get a Grip, i think), making it a very rare song. i can't seem to find it anywhere, so if one of my fellow furs could help me..............that would rock ^_^
« Last Edit: December 02, 2007, 04:14:16 AM by Niiro Kitsune »
(lookin' for my mate....)

~Niiro Kitsune   =3


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