Hey again! So, I recently acquired a Sergal mask blank from Dream Vision Creations, which is not for 'my' fursuit, but rather for a cosplay. I've played with manual creation from scratch in a helmet kind of way (plastic canvas - the mesh stuff). Now, my question is this:
How do I go about turning a mask into a full head piece from the mask? I would assume that I would use their recommended adhesive to attach an elastic strap or two around the back? I have everything I need, but don't want to proceed in the event that it would ruin the head. (fear of it being too front heavy, even for thick elastic straps.)
My plan just on a glance was to attach a strap around the back, and then have another strap from the top come down and meet the horizontal strap. (if this works, it would be an upside-down T of support strap to keep it on. So it would look like this from behind where you put your face into it.
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After this, and during the final furring portion, I was planning on ALSO having the fur hood come down with a secure (zipper or even velcro). So it'd ultimately end up being straps underneath a hood.
Is that a reasonable way to get the head secure? or is there something else I ought to do?
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