Hello there I am Jeffy Fox. I am pretty new here but really wanna do something awesome for this community! I am pitching an idea here and am asking if anyone would be interested in guesting on my furry pod cast. I am an Australian guy and I have been a furry fox for years and always love meeting other furrys and sharing stories and experiences.
I have been thinking of ways to get our voices out on the internet get everyone on the forums involved. I will be formatting the pod cast into different sections such as Q/A, current events, stories, art, and any other awesome stuff you guys can come up with. Please leave suggestions and whether you or someone you know will be interested in participating. If I get a lot of interest I will be making several episodes so everyone can join in and have a great time.
The pod cast will be conducted over Skype and recorded for editing in post. I am still debating where to upload this pod cast, perhaps YouTube or Soundcloud. Anyway let me know if you want to participate and I will get your Skype details and schedule a time for the pod cast. I am hoping for at least 3 people for the pod cast not including me. I am looking for people who aren't afraid to socialise, tell stories, make suggestions, and all round have a great time. I hope to make this a very fun and engaging pod cast that anyone can get involved with because in the end guys that's what makes our community AWESOME!
Thanks for reading, Jeffy Fox out!