I'm a bit late posting after everyone here, but hello! Welcome to TFF and the fandom in general! You couldn't have picked a better place - everyfur here is absolutely the best. They very quickly became like family to me.
Oh, right. The ... whole introduction thing. I'm Proto! Big Bad Wolf, writer, hug lover and cuddle enthusiast.

I also tend to talk a lot, so don't be surprised if you see a 2 page novel of a response to anything that manages to distract me, which is ... pretty much everything. If you like to write, the Writing section has creative prompts and a very welcoming group of people, as well as a bunch of amazing stories to read by very talented writers (I'm not including myself here, I mean all the others.

) The RP section has a ton of really fun Role Plays you can get in on, or just go read for your amusement.
And as many of the furs around already said, the random bored is great for eating up free time. Feel free to PM me with any questions, or even just to chat! I love talking about anything, even things I don't know about. It's always good to learn new things, and the crowd here is very diverse for that. See you around the boards! -^.^-