Robots in Disguise is an animated television series that premiered on
Cartoon Network in the United States on March 14, 2015. Set years after
Transformers: Prime, the show follows
Bumblebee as he travels back to
Earth after the prison ship
Alchemor crash-lands on the planet. Charged with rounding up the escaped
Decepticon prisoners, he reluctantly takes command of a new team of
The show made its worldwide debut in late December 2014, with the first 13 episodes released as pay-to-view content on Chinese video streaming website
In September 2015, Hasbro announced a second season of the show.
Season 2 began screening on February 20, 2016, with a third season set for release in fall 2016.
Season 1 of the show is currently available on Netflix in certain regions.
I LOVE this show! My favorite male Autobot is Sideswipe, my favorite female Autobot is Windblade.
It was cool that they made references to Raf, Miko, and Jack, and that we had ol' "I needed that!" Ratchet guest appearing in the season 2 finale.