Alright so the Purpose of this Thread to to create a place for artists to get SERIOUS feedback. People on these forums are very nice, so when somebody comes forward looking for things to improve with their art, they rarely get constructive feedback, it's mostly “looking great!” and “well done”.
I want this to be the place where those who create art of any medium and post their work and others will take a serious moment to examine and give suggestions from issues they may have seen, dont be afraid of saying what needs to be said but also no being a jerk lol.
So if you wish to post and get real feedback here is a few things to know for both artist and commenter:
1. The purpose of this is serious feedback, so artists expect to have your feelings hurt, but if you comment provide constructive criticism and avoid comments like “Durr u suk”.
2. Artists, only what you post here will be commented on, and commenters only comment upon what is posted.
3. Commenters when possible provide links and examples to what improvement you are trying to recommend.
4. Commenters don't forget to also state what you did like about a work so an artist knows they are doing that well.
5. And all normal forum rules apply.
So i'll post a recent one to get us started! Any questions and such shoot me a message.
OK so to start out here's my art for feedback! i'm using a link cause the forums wont allow large files.