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Author Topic: Corel VideoStudio  (Read 1226 times)

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Offline Nori

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Corel VideoStudio
« on: July 09, 2016, 02:24:49 PM »
(Heh, sorry I keep spamming this topic)
Sooo I got the trial for Corel VideoStudio, and it does what I want... the only problem is my videos phase through the matrix. It gets worse when I add an overlay. I'm trying to figure out what's going on, but so far I can't find anything. My system matches, the videos are right, etc.
And when I add my twitch overlay, the areas where it fades have a huge border around them, extending out quite a bit. I haven;'t seen anything saying it doesn't support fades in png files, but it's being funky. Here's a video of what its doing, if anyone uses this program and wants to help me understand. XD

Also when I have my two overlays at once, the video renders fine to save it, but then I get two error messages, one saying it's only supported by windows 7, 8, or 10, which I'm using 7, and the next popup has a few numbers saying something like 'blahblahblah cannot be rendered' or something. It's fine when I use just one overlay, minus the shifting through dimensions.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 02:26:26 PM by Nori »
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