Synopsis: This is Enclosure a Sci-Fi Epic story between a young army officer and an alien. His name is Zippo Codonis, he's part of planet Zik 's most elite team of extratarrestrial pioneers. On thier mission into deep space The Endurance (ship) encounters a strange alien ship which was wrecked but there's a survivor-a frozen alien. They bring her aboard and Codonis is put in charge of watching the alien. As they dethaw her the question remains 'is she hostile?', 'is she even alive?', 'did her ship malfunction or was it attacked?' Meanwhile Codonis develops feelings for her.
Author's note: Looking for an Rper (preferably female) who will commit to this little story I made. She may be alien but she's anthro, her true form will come later-right now she's inside a giant cube of ice which they surgically removed from her ship (she also in a mech suit which looks her entire body a lot like Samus Aran). As noted earlier this is a romance story.
The Beginning
Journal Entry #431: System Date 7.1.84 My name is Zippo Codonis: "I've been alone most my life. It hasn't bothered me-not until late. Not sure what this all is? The daydreaming and night thinking, like I could walk out on the ship's mass and fall into an ocean of stars. There's an obvious void inside me-a desire to have something greater than myself. For the past 10 years I've been on a deep space expedition. There's 23 of us on The Endurance, I'm the teams Linguist and Physicist. Recently we found a foreign ship abandoned on the neutral zone...or so we thought. Somehow the ship's internal temp equalizer malfunctioned, our data concluded it was an attack on 'Lazuras Ship'. I say 'Lazuras" because we found someone on board who was cryogenically frozen by liquid nitrogen. It seems the explosion blew a gas line which coincidentally saved her. At least we believe it's a her, based on slim figure and unconsclusive evidence. Once we brought her aboard it for some reason became my responsability to watch the creature. We're slowly thawing her, a process that could take weeks or months. We don't want to shock her system. End of entry."