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Author Topic: Fox Meadows (WIP)  (Read 909 times)

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Offline ZielZorix

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Fox Meadows (WIP)
« on: October 22, 2016, 11:38:45 PM »
The title is also a working title.  I tend to write in script format just so you guys know.  This is a story that I had in my head a long time ago and had forgotten it.  When I saw Zootopia for the first time, it brought the idea for the story back, and even gave me some new ideas for it.  I am really happy with the way it is going, but I am always looking for feedback.  Any feedback and critiques, as long as they are constructive, are welcome.

Ext. Rural Field - Late afternoon - Summer
The sun is setting on a late summer day with not a cloud in the sky. Kit -- a 10-year-old naturally inquisitive very intelligent Red Fox -- and his friend Barton -- a 10-year-old Coyote who speaks in a slight southern accent and is Watson to Kit's Holmes -- are dressed in very Holmes-esque costumes walking around the field.  Kit is carrying a magnifying glass with a small stalk of wheat sticking out of the side of his mouth and is looking at the ground obviously looking for clues.  Barton is following closely behind.

Found anything yet, Kit?
Not yet, but we need to keep our eyes open.  We could stumble upon a clue that could blow this mystery wide open at any moment.
Kit walks a few more feet and stops in his tracks, the stalk of wheat falling out of his mouth.  He has found something.
He reaches down and produces what would be to anyone else a rusty old bottle cap, but to him it is the find of the century.
What did you find?
close up
On the bottle cap in Kit's hands.

Barton is not impressed.
A bottle cap?
Not just any bottle cap... A CLUE.  Sure, to the untrained eye it is just a mere bottle cap, but to those of us with a nose for clues and an mind for reasoning can see it is a small piece in a much larger puzzle!  The question simply, my good Barton, is what does it mean?!
I think it means someone is a litter bug.
That's it!  We're on the trail of a litter bug!  All we have to do is follow the trail of things that the criminal has left on the ground, and they will lead us right to our...
A female voice calls from somewhere in the distance causing Kit's ears to prick up.  It is Kit's mother.
Kit!  Time for dinner!
Oh!  That's my mom.  I gotta go.  See ya tomorrow, Barton!
See ya later, Kit.
Kit runs through the field dodging obstacles such as low-hanging tree branches, jumping over a tree stump or two, and sliding underneath a barbed wire fence.  He emerges into the back yard of his family's house. 
Ext. Kit's back porch
His mother, Amber -- a Red Fox in her mid-30s -- is standing on the back porch of their home.  She is wearing a police officer's blue uniform, and her badge is hanging from her neck on a small silver chain.  She smiles when she sees her son sprinting toward her across the backyard.
She kneels down as he barrels right into her arms.  She grunts with the force of the impact then laughs.
Oof!  Easy.  Did you have fun playing today?
Sure did!
That's great, sweetie.  Now come wash your hands, and let's eat.
Int. Kit's Family's kitchen
The kitchen is fairly large and styled in the kind of decor you might find in a mid-western rural farmhouse.  Kit is sitting at the small four-chair dinner table waiting for his food.  His mother is sitting across from him now dressed in a pair of pajama pants and plain t-shirt.  Kit's step-father, Darron Sly -- a Red Fox in his mid-30s and lifelong mechanic -- is standing at the stove ladling soup from a pot into three bowls.
Alright, everyone.  Soup's on.
Kit licks his chops as Darron places his bowl in front of him.  He takes one big whiff of the contents of the bowl, grabs his spoon and is about to dig in when Amber says his name.
Kit's ears lay back because he thinks he's done something wrong.
Yes, Ma'am?
Did you thank your step-father?
Kit perks up as he realizes his simple mistake.
Oh, sorry!  Thanks, Darron!
You're welcome, buddy.
Darron places a bowl in front of Amber.
Here ya go, hun.
They kiss.  Amber sniffs her bowl's contents as if it is ambrosia.
Mmm...that smells amazing, Darron.
I hope so.  It's my famous fish stew - Salmon and Herring.  Dig in, guys.  Don't let it get cold.
Fade to
Kit and Darron are sitting at the table savoring the meal that they just ate.  Darron is picking his teeth with a toothpick.  Amber is putting away the few dishes she just finished washing.
So, Kit, did you have fun playing with Barton today?
Yeah!  We were playing detective!
Amber turns from the sink to face them while drying her hands with a hand towel.
Solve any mysteries yet?
She puts the towel on the counter, walks over to her son, and places her hands on his shoulders.
Almost.  We found a clue that has us on the trail of a litter bug!
Amber chuckles.
Are you sure it isn't a...KITTER BUG!
She starts tickling his sides.  Kit laughs almost uncontrollably.
Hey, Kit.  With all this detective talk -- Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up?
A detective!
Darron chuckles.
Well, there's no surprise there.
You know, son, you don't just start out as a detective.  You have to start out as a normal police officer and work your way up first.
Darron leans forward and rests his arms on the table.
But if you work hard and refuse to give up, no matter how hard things get; Then you can be anything you want to be, and no one will be able to stop you.
Kit smiles ear-to-ear and slowly sits up taller as he hears this, filled with the excitement of being a detective one day.
Now run upstairs and take a bath.  It's getting close to bed time...
Kit gets up from the table and runs to the stairs.
From the top of the stairs looking down
Kit quickly runs up the stairs.  Amber appears at the bottom of the stairs and yells up after him.
(I am going to have to divide this up into several posts because it exceeds the maximum character amount.)

Offline ZielZorix

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Re: Fox Meadows (WIP)
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2016, 11:40:31 PM »
Int. Kit's bedroom - 1 Hour Later...
Kit is sitting in his bed dressed in his pajamas drinking a small glass of water. Amber is sitting on the edge of the bed patiently waiting for him to finish.  Once he does, he wiggles down underneath his blankets as Amber takes the glass from him and places it on his bedside table next to his "Holmes" hat and magnifying glass.
There we go.  Now let's get you all tucked it.
She does.
There.  All nice and comfy.
Mom...can I ask you a question?
Sure, sweetheart.
Why did you become a police officer?
Amber thinks about it for a beat.
Well...I like helping others, and I don't like seeing bad things happen to good people.  And what better way to keep that from happening than by becoming a cop.  Now, no more talk.
She leans down and kisses Kit's forehead.
  It's bedtime.
She gets up and walks to the door.  She places her finger on the light switch next to the door and is about to turn the lights off when Kit calls her name.
She smiles and turns back toward him.
Good night.
Kit pulls the blankets up around himself and rolls over onto his side.  Amber smiles warmly as she turns off the lights and leaves the room closing the door behind her.
Sweet dreams, my little kitter bug.
Int. Lobby of Precinct 101 - Early Morning - 15 years later
Kit, now 25 and disillusioned with the reality of being a cop, walks into the station with his fur ruffled as if he had a rough night, sipping a cup of coffee.
Norma Stamps, a middle-aged female Elk with a sunny personality who speaks in a strong mid-western accent a la Fargo, is sitting at the main desk in the lobby of the station working on her computer, a steaming cup of tea on the counter in front of her.
Morning, Kit.
Morning, Norma.
He sips his coffee as he stops in front of the counter to converse for a bit.
Rough night?
More restless than rough.  Had trouble sleeping.
Sorry to hear that.  Well, maybe today won't be too difficult for ya so you can sleep easy tonight.
That'd be nice, but my luck isn't that good.
Amber, now in her early-50s and a member of Haven City's Special Investigations Unit, walks up to the two of them holding a small stack of manila file folders.
You never know.  You could end up doing nothing but traffic stops today.  Parking duty might be in the cards as well.  I heard through the grapevine that Chief Odeur is thinking about rotating people in and out of parking duty every week, kitter bug.
Kit smiles at the use of that nickname.  It used to bother him, but not so much anymore.  Amber smiles warmly at her son.
There's the smile I like to see.
She reaches out and smooths the fur on his head back, like a mother whose son forgot to brush his hair before school.
You shouldn't get so down all the time, son.  It doesn't suit you.  Now, get to the bullpen, or you'll be late.
Kit is noticeably in a better mood.
Thanks, Mom.
He calls over his shoulder as he walks off towards the bullpen.
I needed that!
Amber stands there with Norma and smiles as she watches her son walk away.
They grow up so fast.
Yeah, they do.
She stands there for a short beat before turning back to Norma, businesslike.
Anyway.  Norma, I need a favor.
Okay, shoot.
I need you to take these files and make triplicates of them.
Okie dokie!

Offline ZielZorix

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Re: Fox Meadows (WIP)
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2016, 11:42:51 PM »
All of the officers are gathered in the bullpen sitting at various tables conversing with each other, some more raucously than others.  Kit is sitting at the table closest to the front casually talking at random while still nursing his coffee.
A Grizzly Bear officer standing next to a podium at the front of the room jerks to attention and calls the other officers to do the same.
The door leading into the bullpen flies open and in walks Chief Connie Odeur -- a tough, no-nonsense skunk in her early-to-mid 50s.
She ascends a stepladder behind the podium so she can see over it and glare at her officers.  She places a small stack of case files that she was carrying on the podium in front of her and glares at the officers in front of her.  They are greeting her as a football team would greet a coach before a big game.
Alright SHUT IT, you animals!
She opens a folder on the podium as the officers quiet down and take their seats.
Thank you, Grizzloff.
Grizzloff takes his seat.
Before I get to assignments, I have a few announcements.  First item: Please join me in welcoming our newest member of the Haven City SWAT Team -- former Military Police Captain, Jake Dundee.
a golden-furred male Dingo in his mid-30s.  The other members of the SWAT Team that are sitting near him welcome him with handshakes and loud greetings.
Item number two: Officer Sly...Happy Birthday.
The other officers raucously wish Kit a happy birthday.  A large female Timber Wolf sitting behind him playfully ruffles the fur on his head to the point that it looks like it did before Amber straightened it.
Happy Birthday, little buddy!
Kit starts to straighten his fur.
Thanks, Fangman.
Settle down.  Settle down.
Connie looks around for a second as if she is trying to spot someone.  She notices the empty chair next to Kit.
Well, it seems that item number three isn't--
A female voice calls from outside the door to the bull pen.  It starts distant and grows closer as if it is running for the door.
Wait!  I'm coming!  I'm almost there!
The door to the bullpen flies open and in walks Sierra Tundris -- a Grey Fox in her early-20s.  She is the type of person that likes to help others and just wants to help make the world a little safer.  She is panting from running.
I am so sorry I'm late!  I got stuck in traffic on my way here.
(to herself)
First day on the job, and I'm late!  I don't believe this!
She sits in the empty chair next to Kit.
Don't let it happen again, or it's a write up.
Yes, ma'am!
Connie returns to her previous business-like demeanor.
Alright, that brings me to items three and four.  Everyone, please welcome our newest recruit, Officer Sierra Tundris.
The other officers, including Kit, welcome her half-heartedly.
Kit, you've been flying solo for a while now...but, that ends today.  Officer Tundris is your new partner.
(under his breath)
Great.  Babysitting duty.
Sierra extends her paw in greeting.
Nice to meet you...partner!
Kit shakes her paw unenthusiastically.
Yeah.  Likewise.
Alright, that's all of the small talk out of the way.  Assignments:  Officers Sly and Tundris.  Prairie Plaza beat patrol.  Head downstairs to the garage and Snuffowitz will assign you a new vehicle.
New vehicle?!
Can't have a partner on a one-man motorcycle.
(Sarcastically; to himself)
Great.  I get a partner AND lose my bike.
Kit and Sierra exit the room.
Int. Precinct 101 Motor pool garage
Kit and Sierra exit the elevator that enters the garage and start walking towards the caged-in desk for the Motor Pool's director.  Sierra attempts to strike up a conversation
SIERRA long have you been on the force?
Four years this year.
Wow.  I bet you've seen a lot of interesting things in those four years, huh?
You could say that.
So, what's the typical day usually li--
Kit turns to her.
Look...I had a rough night last night -- I didn't sleep very well.  Plus, I'm losing my motorcycle today.  I just want to get this car, and get the day started.  Okay?
The continue walking.
Sorry if I am annoying you with all of these questions.
It's okay.
They come to a stop in front of the director's caged in desk.
We haven't had any rookies in at least two years, so I guess I forgot how many questions they can have.
He presses a red button with a sign above it that reads "Press buzzer for assistance."  A buzzer sounds somewhere behind the cage.  A voice with a slight southern accent calls from somewhere in side the cage.
Hang on.  I'll be there in a second.
A few seconds pass and Barton, now in his mid-20s and taller than Kit, emerges from a door inside the cage off to the right.
Alrighty.  So, what can I do you for...
He stops mid-statement as he looks out of the cage and sees Kit and Sierra standing there.  His eyes widen in surprise as he realizes who he is looking at.
Well, I'll be!
Kit is just as surprised as he is.
Barton Snuffowitz?
Kit Sly!  Oh my gosh!
Barton exits the cage.  Kit and Barton hug each other like two brothers would before Barton grabs him in a choke hold and gives him a noogie.
I haven't seen you in a dog's age!
He releases Kit who playfully punches him in the arm.
Dude, it's been ten years!  How have you been, man?  Wh-what are you doing here?  Where's Simmons?
I'm the director of the Motor Pool now.  Simmons retired six months ago.  I got all of my mechanic certifications about six years ago. I've been over at Precinct 303 ever since.  Mom got the chance to retire early and move home about a year ago, so I was out in Arctic Central by myself for a bit.  Then Simmons retired, and this position came open.  He agreed to stay on until they could find his!  I've only been here for about a month.  It feels good to be home though.  So what about you?  What have you been up to?
Oh, ya know, just celebrating four years on the force.  Working my way up the food chain. 
Barton sees Sierra standing a few feet behind Kit waiting patiently.
And who is this beautiful young lady?
Oh, um, thank you.
She walks forward with her paw extended.
I'm Sierra Tundris.
Barton gently shakes her paw in greeting, the perfect gentleman.
Well, it's nice to meet you, Miss Tundris.
He releases her hand, and starts to walk back towards his caged-in area.
You'll need to keep your eye on this one.  He's a bit of a trouble maker.
 Once he is back in his cage, he sits down in front of his computer and starts typing.
Me?  What about you?  Remember eighth grade science class?
Barton stops typing momentarily and looks at Kit with a raised eyebrow that says "Really?"
Dude, that was your fault.
Oh yeah, it was.
Barton resumes typing.
So, you guys need a patrol car.  You're lucky you got partnered with a veteran, Sierra.  Uh, do you mind if I call you Sierra?
She smiles.
Not at all.  Do you mind if I call you Barton?
Go right ahead.  Well, as I was saying, we would normally give a rookie Old Bessie over there...
He motions behind him with his thumb to an old, beat up jalopy Crown Victoria-style police cruiser.
...but since you are partnered with a veteran -- one who happens to be an old friend of mine -- I think I will hook you guys up and give you one of the brand spankin' new cruisers we just got in last week.
He begins to search through the logs of available cruisers on his computer.
Let's guys can have...Car 801. 
He reaches behind him to a peg board that all of the keys to the cruisers are hanging from.  He picks up the set of keys underneath the tag "801" and hands them through an opening in the cage to Kit.
There ya go.  She's in space B12, like the vitamin.
Kit takes the keys, and he and Sierra start walking away. Barton calls after them.
It was good seeing you again, Kit!
You too, buddy!
You guys stay safe out there!
Barton watches them walk away for a short beat before turning and yelling to one of his mechanics.
Hey, Arthur!  Car 626 needs new brakes and a brake line...and rotate them tires while you're at it!

Offline ZielZorix

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Re: Fox Meadows (WIP)
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2016, 11:44:51 PM »
Kit and Sierra are still walking further into the garage.
Single of
Sierra looking around at all of the different police vehicles they are passing.
(to herself)
I never realized there were so many different vehicles down here.
(to Kit)
So, what's the story between you and Bart--
She runs into the back of Kit who has stopped dead in his tracks.
Ow.  Sorry about that.  I didn't see that you had--
She stops mid-sentence.
Pan OUt
to Kit staring open-mouthed in amazement at something.  Sierra's eye widen in amazement as well.
A smile crosses Kit's face.
Ya know...
Cut to
Single shot
of a police cruiser in parking space B12 that looks like a cross between a new-style Camaro and a Dodge Charger.
KIT might not be so bad after all.


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