Hey folks, I fear my 2012 Nexus 7 is finally about to kick the bucket, and I'm planning to get something better for my birthday+Christmas. Problem is I don't know what to trust that won't cost an arm and a leg.
The main reason I got it was to draw, write, and check the forums and IRC while relaxing in and outside the house. Sadly, the touchscreen isn't as sensitive (or big enough imo) for drawing as I hoped and the touch-keyboard is irritating to type with. Plus it's laggy as all heck and glitches out at random. It's basically turned into a glorified mp3 player and news reader at this point, and it's not bad in that area, but it's certainly not what I spent like $250 dollars for back then.
Microsoft Surface Pro 4 look very interesting, but I'm not sure it's worth the expense with all the trouble they seem to have (according to Amazon reviews). It's like twice more expensive than my desktop was!
The Pro 3 is about half the price now, but it has the same problems and probably more given it's an older model, and that has me worried.
Buying "smart" devices makes me nervous to begin with because they update things so damn quick nowadays, I never know how long until whatever I buy becomes an obsolete laggy mess (like my Nexus). Buying older and/or used models is even worse.
So, what should I try getting? Anything about as good as the Surface Pros but cheaper? Any other devices I should give a try? I'd like something that can handle light PC gaming use as well, if possible.