There was a story here that I tried to copy and paste from my docs... but every time I pasted it... I would get a different story. Somehow, words would merge together, I would end up with different fonts for each sentence, and I even had some of the words change color. Literally... all I did was copy and paste. Nothing else. Period. I don't understand how the entire document's format can change every single time I paste it, based only on my copying it once. I copied it and pasted it and got small text with large gaps between some of the sentences, as if I hit the space bar eight times instead of just once. I erased the text and pasted it again, and got different sizes. I erased it again and pasted again, this time, a bunch of words were mushed together and some of the words were purple. So now... I quit. I'm not trying again. Consider your time wasted.