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Author Topic: Not a computer problem, but Facebook Page issue? (can move is need be)  (Read 929 times)

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Offline Nori

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Hey guys! I have 3 facebook pages, but only the first one I made I can give a custom username. The other two (which are more eligible with the most likes) don't even have the option listed. I've contacted facebook, but they've all been automatic replies saying the same thing, not answering my questions at all. Would anyone know if i cannot have more than one page with a username, or is it just something I have to deal with? Screenshots as examples, the first one has the username option, the other two do not. I've scoured all my settings and still can't find anything that has worked. Before I made a username for the first one, below the page name/icon was a greyed '@username', and there isn't one on either of the other pages.

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