Hiya SugarBiscuit!
Glad you stopped by for a look see
Don't worry, furries come in lots of different flavours and you can be a
furry furry or just fur-curious(?), it's all good. As for myself, I like furry art but don't fill my life with it, I like the creative potential of RPing (furry or not) and I'm not interested in fursuiting, but I have seen some I think are adorable!
So if you're not furry enough then neither am I
Also, this site is PG13 so no threat of porn cringe.
As for how to decide on your fursona, that's hard. It seems different for everyone, but don't be afraid to try something and change if it doesn't "fit". Two good places to start though are either an animal that you just really like or think of a major personality trait you have and think about what sort of creature typifies it (wise owl etc).
Anyway, have a look around, if you have any questions just ask here or shoot me a PM.
Have fun!