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Author Topic: Hello There  (Read 2402 times)

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Offline Bewlay

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Re: Hello There
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2017, 08:56:06 PM »
Oh, well, I'm glad that it proved helpful! It may not be extraordinary, but I would argue that it's still likely worth a chance, knowing that.

You're certainly correct there, though. Though I prefer TNG a tad more as a show, I can also agree with the preference towards TOS films, as well. First Contact was great, but, unfortunately, the majority of the TNG films fell rather short when compared to the best original cast films.

Heh, I have to say that I'm not entirely sure on that. I'm not incredibly knowledgeable on the common personalities of most species. ^^'

Nonetheless, going largely by simple guesswork and what I envision, I can say I figure that Spock could be a cat of sorts. Kirk might work decently well as some canine, and McCoy, on the other hand, I have a few candidates for, but I might say a horse, just for the fun of it. Uhura, I figure, could also work well as a feline, and I rather enjoy the idea that Sulu could be anything with a bit of a crazy stare. Lastly, as for Chekov, I might say something on the rather innocent side, and Scotty... well, I'm actually not entirely sure on that. Perhaps a bear. Sure, a bear could work.

As you can tell, my decisions were quite random. I've never really thought much about what animals they might be, but now it's likely something I might continue to ponder.  :P

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Re: Hello There
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2017, 07:18:09 PM »
McCoy as a horse!  XD  I don't know why but that just works!

Offline Bewlay

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Re: Hello There
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2017, 08:28:34 PM »
I certainly thought so! I figured that it must be that occasional stubbornness and the 'old country doctor' vibe that he has to him that could make it work.  :P


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