So, suggestion time from me
When someone uploads a file as an attachment to the forums, it stays on for a certain amount of time. I personally don't know -nor have ever been able to figure out- how long these attachments stay on for, but they do get seemingly automatically deleted after a while, with the message:
[attachment deleted by admin]When I saw that message for the first time (which I believe was half a year or a year after a post I made containing attachments), I thought I was doing something wrong. I asked a moderator and friend at the time what I did wrong, and the answer was I hadn't done anything wrong, that it's just something that happens automatically.
There was no other place I had uploaded those certain pictures in the past, and no stash on deviantArt for me to store there. So these pictures are gone forever, as I also can't find them anywhere in my camera folder and such.
That's besides the point, though. It just an experience I had with this I wish to share.
My suggestion?
One of two things:
1) Either mention clearly somewhere what the time limit is how long a file stays on for, maybe also changing the automated message to say it was automatically removed because of a time limit.
2) Have the pictures uploaded the whole time and not automatically removed.