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Author Topic: Intergalactic War  (Read 1547 times)

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Offline Lord Isscarus

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  • Posts: 67
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  • Species: Alien God
  • Coloring: Has long, spiky black hair, 6 eyes arranged in a triangle on his face, has white skin, he also has multiple red, crack markings all over his body.
  • Height: 7'0
  • Weight: 400 lbs
  • Build: Tall and muscular, wide and bulky frame with large shoulders.
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Intergalactic War
« on: May 24, 2017, 11:57:54 PM »
It's a thousand years from modern time, takes place in a far away galaxy called Niron, a galaxy full of chaos and destruction, a war has broke out between the whole galaxy, so destructive that even GODS have tried to end it, but failed.

Rules: you may play as a God, you can play as an enemy of any race, you can make up your own race, if you have any questions or comments please ask me. You can also make up your own army and control it.

Character name: Lord Isscarus
Species: alien god
Height: 7'0
Weight: 400 lbs
Appearance: has navy blue skin with multiple red crack markings all over his body, has long black spiky hair that reaches mid back, has 7 eyes arranged in a triangle on his face, has no nose and has sharp, fang like teeth, wears a gold-black Olympian armor to seal and suppress his massive power.
Personality: calm, collected, and very wise, can easily analyze his opponents fighting strategy and counter it, very observant and can easily see through people and know their personality, but very honest and loyal, and protects everything he loves with his life.

*shortly before the war.*
Lord Isscarus sits on his throne inside his massive ship, listening to one of his soldiers speak.

"Lord Isscarus sir! Their getting aggressive and are threatening to attack our ship if we don't do what they say! What shall we do my lord?"

Lord Isscarus's eyes widened, he looked down and thought.

"Hmm......" He was taking a moment. His voice sounded like 2 different voices talking in unison, making him sound much more distinguishable from every one else.

"What do they want from us? You never explained that to me first."

The soldier, wearing futuristic battle armor, scratched his head and looked at Lord Isscarus.

"Their forcing us to give them all out energy supply so they can conquer a planet."

Isscarus Grinned.
"So ignorant, they think that forcing people to do their bidding wont cause any chaos, how naive."

"I will communicate with them shortly, now go ready the ammunition in case we have to attack."

"Yes sir!" Shouted the soldier as he ran out of Isscarus's quarters.

Isscarus was a God, he was extremely powerful, and had planet destroying power even with his suit on, his suit has never been taken off due to the terrifying power that may be unleashed. He was more than ready to destroy their ship if they attacked.

He looked down at his control panel, and pressed a purple button which brought up the holographic communication screen, he then started a video call with their ships captain.

"This the commander of the XS Harmony (Isscarus's ship name) speaking, my name is Lord Isscarus."

His seven eyes blinked in unison as a masked figure showed up on the other screen.

"You know the deal, give us your generator, or else we kill every single one of you."

Lord Isscarus tilted his head.

"Now you know that the destruction of ships will only result in a bad reputation across the galaxy right? Why not we make a compromise that is both agreeable to us?"

"No compromises! You give us your generator or we blow up your ship and take you with it!"

"We could help you recolonize on this planet SL you don't have to waste much energy." Said Isscarus.

The figure slammed his fist on his desk.

"We can't have you interfering with our species, and we can't trust you, now give us your generator!"

Isscarus frowned. "Your messing with a God you know....."

"I dont care, now hurry up!"

Isscarus looked down, "I can't reason with them."

He mumbled quietly so they couldn't hear.

Isscarus was in a tight spot, they wouldn't agree to his assistance and he was not going to give up his generator.

He could hear a booming sound while his shop shook for a couple seconds.

"We have fired a warning shot, take any longer and we will kill you!"

"Youve made a grave mistake." Said Isscarus in a deep voice.

He shut off the communications panel and turned on his intercom.

"Attention, Harmony! Load the weapons and open fire, they have attacked us and cannot be reasoned with, do not hesitate to open fire!"

A war was about to happen, but Isscarus was not going to allow his people to be killed, he had to fight back.

(Personally message me if you would like to be in Isscarus's army.)

"I am a God,  I have destroyed planets, solar systems, even galaxies, my immense power grows from my will to protect those who need protecting, my name is Lord Isscarus, and this is my faithful wife, Axamia, nice to meet you.


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