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Author Topic: MoonLit Lovers  (Read 1771 times)

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MoonLit Lovers
« on: February 02, 2008, 01:25:30 AM »
   Dia looked into the mirror fussing with her hair grumbling as it kept on falling into her face. She sighed she hated going to her mother for help but she would have to this once. It was New Years Eve and her boyfriend Leon had invited her to a party down on the beach. She wanted to look good. She wanted to impress him. She wanted to show that she wasn’t a young girl anymore but a mature woman.


            So down the stairs she went only half dressed, she walked into the kitchen finding her mother preparing food for a party she was having later that night. She tapped her mother lightly on the shoulder “Mother!” Her mother jumper then turned her hand to her breast. “Jesus child don’t scare me like that…” she looked down at what her daughter was only dressed in “Put some clothes on I don’t want the company to think we’re nudists”. Dia rolled her eyes “See this is why I don’t come to you for help”. Her mother raised a brow “You need help from me” she gave her a strange look “Alright who are you and what have you done with my daughter?”


            “Mom I’m serious I want to look good for this party, mainly for the man I love” she looked at her mother seriously “Are you going to help me or not?” her mother let out a breath “Alright what does my angel need?” Dia smirked “all I need is my hair to play nice” her mother laughed “Alright upstairs with you before your brother comes upstairs from decorating” Dia turned walking towards the stair case heading upwards the groan of the wood under her mother’s and her own weight made her uneasy. These stairs always gave her a bad feeling they were around 50 years old after all. She made a left turn at the top and into her own room.


            A minute or two later her mother entered with some hair products and accessories.

“Alright dear prepare to shine! “Her mother began to brush and comb her hair “Ouch mother that hurt” Dia yelped. Her mother smiled “Well perhaps Hun if your learned to take better care of your hair it wouldn’t hurt so much from all these gosh darn tangles of yours” she growled lightly “Not funny mother you know I take care of my hair just as much as you do” her mother had now finished and actually did a good job her hair just seemed to glow, she hugged her mother tightly “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she smiled brightly as her mother hugged her back “Now go get dressed and ready I will have to drive you before the guests arrive” Dia nodded hurrying off to rummage through her closet for good enough clothes.


            Moments later she pulled out a tight red dress and smirks slightly “This will drop some jaws” she began to think “Maybe even make Leon jealous” at this she slid into her dress grabbed a pair of small black dress shoes and put them on. She had a second thought she kicked them off grabbing a matching pair of sandal’s and putting them on ”Alright I’m good to go” she ran down stair back to her mother.





Her mother turned around “Aww hunny you look great” she smiled “Ready to go?” Dia nodded smiling “Yup ready as I will ever be” she ran out into the warm summer night. A small breeze blew by the feeling of it swept through her it felt like freedom she wanted to just run and be free but she thought about how stupid she’d look and stayed there waiting for her mother. Finally she heard the front door open and close and looked towards her mother. She laughed to herself seeing the wreck her mother was her hair was a mess and she had just thrown on some clothes. She looked like she was hit by lighting; though Dia knew that her mother would get fixed up later for the party.


"Come on Mom we are going to be late" she said a bit demanding but still urging her mother on. "Yes yes I'm coming just calm down dear" she said as she unlocked the doors. Dia slid into the passenger's side as her mother sat in the driver's seat. "Alright we are off" her mother exclaimed as she pulled out of the driveway. The whole drive Dia was quiet all she could think about was Leon the feel of his skin against hers, the tingle of his whisper in her ear. She smiled at the thought even though he was a tough guy Leon had a soft soul he was kind and gentle when needed, he knew how to swoon a lady.


Dia's eyes lit up as they pulled into the parking lot for the beach. "Thanks Mom got to go bye" she said as she got out of the car although he mother was still parking. "That girl is going to get herself killed one of these days" her mother said shaking her head. Dia's feet felt great as the warm sand filled her sandals making her body shake with the sheer pleasure of it. "It's been a long time since I have been here" she said to no one in particular. As she approached the beach the sound of loud music, laughing and chatting was heard. She began to run finding Leon in the water she tackled him not caring that her clothes were now ruined from the salt water. He yelped in surprise picking her out of the water as well as himself. "Man babe you really got to stop doing that". She smirked "well maybe I like getting you wet" she laughed as he made a face. "Well then you ready to be amazed?"


Dia tilted her head confused at what he was saying "And how do you plan on doing this?" she shrieked slightly as she was picked up and put on his back "Just close your eyes and hold on" and she did closing her eyes and burying her face in his back. He began to run even with her on his back. Soon he told her to open her eyes, as she did the twilight reveled the area to her she got down slowly and what she saw shocked and amazed her. "Leon this is…" she looked at the cherry blossom covered black sand leading into a small grotto "… Beautiful"


Leon smiled at her and held her, what happened next. Well it surprised her Leon was actually singing to her. He was singing their song. "Surrender, every touch every smile every frown. Surrender yourself to me." As he finished his song with her favorite line "I think I found a flower in a field of weeds, this flower doesn't belong to me, why can't she belong to me…" She stopped him pressing her lips to his and whispered in his ear "Thank you Leon" he nodded as Deshon stumbled onto the beach. "Yo man *hic* come on and party!" Dia didn’t always approve of Leon drinking but after that show he put on her though about it and gave him a nod of approval.

Later on that night after the party had ended, Leon was totally wasted. The beach was becoming less and less crowded. Dia knew it was time to go when the cops showed up. She grabbed Leon by the hand and dragged him away back through the grotto with a little bit of hiding and searching she finally found Leon’s truck. She urged him to snap out of his dizziness. As Leon opened the driver’s side door and hopped in he seemed sober enough to drive as he started up the car. She got in the other side she had a feeling that this wasn’t right. But she had to get home somehow right? She thought about this to herself as Leon pulled out from the opposite way of the cops.

She sighed lightly as they got away safely "Thank god Leon ... Wait no watch out Leon!" she screamed as the headlights of a truck brought a full size 18 wheeler in collision with them. She awoke hours later to the sound of footsteps, as she raised her head pain surged through her as she felt her head crimson liquid now flowed from it. She groaned as she looked at the man then to Leon now laying lifeless. She whimpered "Please help us I would do anything to see him live. He just smirked as he lifted Dia's head and bit into her neck draining the life from her "When you awaken you and your little boyfriend are mine!'

Dia had been reborn this way, it was her choice. She had been 18 when she died. It was three years later when she had woken up from her “nap”. When she first awoke in her grave she realized she couldn’t breathe, even more so she couldn’t die. She had not been able to recall her past life. The burning in her lungs was beginning to be too much. She screamed and banged on the lid of her coffin until her knuckles bleed hoping someone would hear her.


            A few minuets later that had seemed like an eternity of suffering, she heard the clank of metal on the lid above her. Moonlight poured into her surrounding area. As she opened her eyes from a sudden blink a strange looking man stood before her. She rubbed her eyes trying to clear her vision what she had seen gave her great disbelief but sure enough what she had seen was true. The man had no skin, no eyes and blood flowing from his reviled muscles. She gagged up bile but she choked it back bringing a hand to her mouth. She stood now seeing that the man was shorter than her, she decided to look past him. “Ahh I see another one of you things” The boney man said sarcastically “Well enjoy your new life” he said limping off laughing insanely.


            She looked around at the mist ridden grave yard, as she did a sharp pain rose in her head. She fell to her knees as an image of her family overcome with sorrow was at her grave crying over their loss. She wanted to hold her mothers hand and tell her it’s alright but as her hand touched the image of her mother the vision left her. She wiped the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes and stood “So I am dead then” She stood “Even though I stand and breathe I am still dead to those I love!” She screamed falling to her knees fighting back tears.


            She rose to her feet “Fine I’ll go home and see my family, prove to them I’m still alive” She began to walk. She didn’t care that her hair was silvery white color, she didn’t care that her eyes now seemed blind. If it was her family they would remember her. She then heard talking not to far off but near. She followed the voices to a nearby fire that had been built by a group of teenagers. Soon enough another flash back found her. This time it was a memory of her and the teenagers casually hanging out at the very same area. She smiled and ran towards the group smiling happily “I’m here; I’m back please remember me!”


            The group froze with fear and shock “What the hell is that you Dia?” The boy she had remembered as Deshon asked her. She nodded eagerly. He nodded back “Than answer this how did you survive the crash!?” he looked sad and guilty for saying it.

“A crash I don’t re…” Her eyes brought her to another flashback. What she had seen shocked her she was in a car with her boyfriend who was clearly drunk. She had been rushing him home in fear of the cops. A few seconds after telling her it would be fine the headlights of an 18-wheeler came into view then the rest was a red flash. The vision continued now it showed a cop talking with her crying mother as he told her there had been no survivors.

            “Yeah I’m not so sure myself” she had finally said as a response to Deshon’s question. “Well what happened to Leon? Is he with you?” he asked her. Leon… that was the name of her boyfriend. “I-I don’t know” she said as she began to cry. “Whoa hold up on the water works, Try and find him if you survived there’s a chance he did to” he said with a smirk.


            She nodded and hurried off searching the grave stones hurriedly till she found the one intercepted “Leon Moss”. She heard his voice “Dia is that you babe? Its kind of hard to breath in here… care to get me out?” she laughed at this and grabbed a nearby shovel and began to dig up his grave smashing open the lid and pulled him out. Once out he pulled her into a deep embrace and kissed her deeply and tenderly.

            The moon shone fiercely above them, off in the distance the song that was playing before they died echoed through the night. “Deshon you idiot” she smiled as Leon pulled her near as they had their last dance under the moon light.


Dia was so happy now she was alive! She had Leon nothing could go wrong now nothing! She froze at the sound of a twig snapping in the background she turned to see a familiar face. A frown formed on her lips as she had the next flashback this man this very pale good looking man this was Quinn the man that had saved her and Leon. Leon glared at him “And just what do you want?” Quinn laughed “Ohh I see no thanks for the man who saved you lives?” Leon growled “Yeah thanks for getting me and my lady love buried six feet under” I looked up at him “Leon don’t be so rude this man has given us another chance to live”


            Quinn smirked grabbing Dia by the arm “Now I shall take what’s mine” he jerked her towards him. Leon glared at him “like hell you will” he said his fist meeting Quinn’s face. Quinn laughed as Leon took his fist back grasping it in pain “I think I can” he laughed as the night surrounded him and Dia both disappearing. He growled loudly outraged his fist digging into the ground on impact “I lost her again dammit”  he got up collecting himself “Well I died once by her side but for a stupid reason, this time I’ll risk it all to save her!”


            He headed out into the night searching for any clue he could find. “Leeeeeoooon!” Deshon, Merle and Iktar ran up to meet him “Yo dude you shouldn’t let Dia cheat on you like that seriously especially with a guy who’s totally built!” Leon hit him square across the jaw “Well if we don’t help her then she wont be alive long enough to cheat” Deshon got up “What do you mean by that she seemed to not care when she was around him. “Listen that man kidnapped her she has not choice in the matter now you had better help me”


            “Sorry man love to but can’t I have to get home wayyy past my curfew” he and the others walked off laughing into the night. “Quinn you you arrrgh!” he ran off into the night. He remembered who Quinn was he was a man whose father owned an airport down in New Jersey. A long time ago Quinn had died and they found him again later alive it was like her and Dia. Then it came to him what they were, and what they weren’t anymore they were no longer humans but monsters known as vampires.

            He found Quinn in the park trying to make out with Dia but she refused apparently many times from the blood and bruises he had seen. Leon picked up a stick pulling out his knife he quickly sharpened it thrusting it through Quinn’s heart the three of them fall Quinn completely, Himself and Dia to their knees they knew now that they had killed Quinn their lives would end. Dia was crying “So this is how it ends my knight in shining amour comes to my rescue but it ends in vain” she smiled at him and with her last breath she said with all her heart “I love you forever and for always Leon Moss” she fell to the ground. He kissed her lips the town clock rang twelve as the two lover’s died their lips still in a kiss.
My dear there is no danger
Can't you see they turn blind eyes
To we swift and spotlight strangers?
Oh before the rush is over
We will be revered again
While the victims still recover
Are we running toward death?
I have met him times before
He adores us like the rest
Oh even if we're discovered
Just be sure to wear your best
We will surely make the covers

I am a Hermaphrodite and proud of it!

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Re: MoonLit Lovers
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2008, 02:24:33 AM »
thats a good romance story Lady Lycan.

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Re: MoonLit Lovers
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2008, 04:58:21 AM »
That's really good.

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Re: MoonLit Lovers
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2008, 06:36:13 AM »
It's alright.  Not as descriptive as the kinda stuff I read but whatever.
Still alright.


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