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Author Topic: One Shot Review  (Read 883 times)

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One Shot Review
« on: January 12, 2018, 05:12:31 AM »
One Shot was a game originally released years ago and was rereleased I believe early 2017. It's a game where you play as a 'god' and this character named Nico. He (Or she) is a child who is sent to this world in order to replace the sun. (Which is a giant lightbulb.) You as the god basically guide her/him solving some really challenging puzzles with some of the most interesting 4th wall breaking tricks. I kid you not with fourth wall breaking, you thought Omega Flowey throwing you out of the game each time he kicked your but was bad, this will really mess with you XDD
 This game is interesting, it will force you to care about the game. And then it will crush your heart in two in the end. It took me about 5 hours and 12 minutes to beat the main game, (Beat it the same day I started) and then there's basically an add on which comes with the game.
The OST Is pretty good, some laid back techno ish music I guess with a really unique environment.

I really do mean what I mean with the puzzles. Usually I know my way around beating puzzle based games, but this one really through me in for a loop lol.

It's a pure puzzle game though, so don't expect any fight sequences. I think it's about 10 dollars on steam atm.
  • Avatar by: Setsuna Damius
My name is Ori.

I am totally not trying to impersonate Edward Scissorhands. Who is that anyway?
Also I am humming this is Halloween.
Also John Cena Memes don't die. (John Cena theme blares in background)


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