Hiya Lovebunny!
I'm Trixsie, welcome to the forums

I guess there's no absolute list of do's and don'ts, but two good places to start are the
FAQ and the
rules (which Vee has already linked).
But perhaps something which might be useful is to know there is no single way of being furry. Some furs have more than one character (fursona) some have only one. The degree to which you are "in character" various from member to member and context. For example serious RPs (roleplays) can be quite strict about breaking character, but generally we're all pretty casual about it.
Some people have (or plan to get) a fursuit and others have no interest in fursuiting.
Also I should mention that some furries are interested in a sexual or romantic aspect to the fandom and some are not, but as this is a PG13 forum public that is restricted to the Adult Area.
If you have any questions you can ask them in this thread or PM myself or another staff member if you'd rather. However I'm certain you'll find the other members friendly and helpful so feel free to look around and say hi!
Oh, and don't forget...