Everything all in good time. Fursonas take a while to perfect typically. To know what you want it is wise to immerse yourself in what you like around you. You already have taken the first step. For the longest time I have loved scales too and also opted to a dragon or a more Argonian like design (if you play Elder Scrolls you may get what I mean). But I found that hares represent my personality the best and so I went with it. It all depends. The best thing is just to be comfortable where you are and about yourself. Insecurity can lead you to less desirable places within the community and have a reputation that is hard to shake. Just warning you.
The best starting place I think is just play around with designs that you like and that you'd feel comfortable with. It's like designing a new body. Except this time you chose what you look like. What kind of pets do you have? Lizards, snakes, cats, dogs, fish? I have found that the influence with your animal companions can be a great starting place. IRL I think rabbits smell and are messy and I'd never have one as a pet. But a hare is too free spirited to be a pet most of the times. They are fast with in-depth survival skills, which would otherwise be wasted as a pet.
So I suggest just jump right it without having anything to begin with so that as you experiment you gain a wide variety of inspiration that you can use to piece together your fursona. Also some thing I do to help visualize is find creators or generators with furry components to help you develop your style. I would only use them as temporary sandboxes because artist credit and claims can be finicky. After you like a design you can get art commissioned from a skilled artist who can help you further in honing your foursome. Then the rest is up to you. Well, everything is up to you but I hope this can help kick start you in the direction you want. Good luck!