Once, there was a little goose. Not furry, not biased human or anything like that. No, she was a therian who simply enjoyed her time within the fandom. Her heart makes jumps out of joy when she interacts with the people there because they let her be what she wanted to be: Herself.
Indeed, this little goose is me. My name is Heartfeather and I am - as just mentioned - a goose. What kind? A simple cackling goose with no such spectacular colors as your sonas might have but I still am individual and I somehow like myself. Anyway, I am 22 years. Not very much, I know. But I did make my experiences and mistakes. Let's hope I learned from fhem.

You must know, I am a pretty forgetful bird but I always try my hardest to remember things. So, please don't be mad if I ever should forget to answer you or something. I really don't mean to harm anyone.
Oh, see... we brought a bunch of words together, didn't we? Then let's go to questions like:
Why do you want to join?Simply because I always am searching for some people to get to know. Also, I have been here before and really adore this place.
When did you join the fandom?That's been 11 years ago. Yes, I was 11 back then. What happened? I got a pic of an anthropomorphic hare and I loved it so, so much. I first got internet access, googled and found to furries. I tried it there for a month and... well, I still am here.
Anything else you want to add?My PMs are always open to everyone. Please don't hesitate to mesaage me, hun!